1. General information

RigelMap is a comprehensive GIS environment for the analysis, visualisation and digitisation of spatial data

1.1 Course

Courses can be arranged and adapted by appointment in GeoNord's course rooms or at the customer's own workplace and with own data. The course can be combined with general advice related to administration and configuration.
For more informations please go to: https://rigelacademy.no/

1.2 License and maintenance agreement

The maintenance agreement, or license agreement, covers telephone support and free updating with new versions. Updating of the software takes place on our server and will neither take up time nor give the customer problems in the form of downtime or time consuming installations. With each license of RigelMap, a support agreement has been signed with GeoNord as. The support agreements is included in the license agreement which is valid for one year at a time. RigelMap's license includes update to the latest version of the software. If you choose not to renew the license, you will lose the right to use the software within 30 days.

Attention! Only one device can be logged in at a time on one account, and each new login will automatically log out the previous one.

1.3 Support via TeamViewer

Mobile app: You can receive support for RigelMap directly from the RigelMap app. After contacting the support department by phone, you should launch TeamViewer by selecting . TeamViewer will then start up and after a few seconds your ID will appear on the page. Enter the number and we can then connect us directly to your device. You can also send an ID to support@geonord.no by selecting Send my ID.

Desktop app version: TeamViewer is required on the device. Then follow the instructions above.

1.4 Email support

Desktop app version: By clicking on the symbol: In the main menu, it is possible to send a message to the technical support department. Here you can report a problem along with a link to the current map extent and enabled layers. To generate a link, click on: Copy the text from the window into the email and send it. Our support, you can then go directly into the same map window that you have on your desktop. RigelMap is constantly being developed to satisfy our customers' needs. If you have suggestions for changes or improvements then we want you to send it to us.


Phone: +47 78 43 58 48

E-mail: support@geonord.no

Ori One

Phone: +48 788 888 722

E-mail: kontakt@orione.com.pl

Mobile app version: To contact support from within the mobile app, tap the button located at the bottom right corner.
A support dialog for GeoNord and Ori One will appear.

By pressing the phone icon, the phone app will open with the support phone number pre-filled.
By pressing the envelope icon, the email app will open with the support email address pre-filled.

1.5 Project structure

The project consists of several basic elements such as: layers, orthophotos, and WMS layers. A user with the appropriate permissions can create new layers, import predefined data, or add WMS layers from a link.
The user can collect data using measurement instruments or configurable construction machines via the mobile application.

The folder and layer structure varies depending on the template type on which the project is based. The user can create their own folders and layers within the given project. Below are example data that may be included in the RigelMap application:

  • Help layers (standard folder with help layers)
  • Basic layers (standard folder with main layers)
    • Point
    • Line
    • Surface
  • Predefined data (imported from Shape, DXF, PQIDAT, CSV/TXT, GML, KOF, XML, SOSI)
    • Guidelines (from VIPS or XML)
    • Building data (drawings in DXF or other known format)
    • Water and sewage data
    • Custom layers
    • Triangular Mesh (TIN layer)
      • Generating TIN
  • Data from machine control
  • Data from other measuring instruments
  • Orthophoto
  • WMS layer
    • Topografisk Norgeskart
    • Kommune- og reguleringsplaner
    • Cadastral map
    • Google Satelite
    • Google Street
    • Other free or paid external WMS / WMTS servers

The map layers are defined by the customer according to needs and wishes but have a starting point as shown above.

2. RigelMap Admin Panel

In the administration panel, the user/administrator has access to manage, depending on their permissions:

  • machines and their configuration,
  • projects and their configuration,
  • users and their permissions,
  • templates,
  • departments.

  • 2.1 Profile

    You can access the user profile by clicking the left mouse button on the name in the upper right corner of the menu and selecting "My Profile".

    In the mobile application, tap the menu button and then "My Profile"

    2.1.1 Main settings

    In the main settings tab, the user can change their name, password, and set the language.

    2.1.2 GIS Portal Settings

    In the GIS portal settings tab, the user can enable/disable the following features:

    - Remember the last position on the map - mobile and desktop version of the application
    - Remember the width of the legend - desktop version of the application
    - Remember the selected layers in the tree - mobile and desktop version of the application
    - Add rotation angle information when adding a photo - mobile and desktop version of the application (more information in the Quick Snapshot chapter).
    - Do not ask for confirmation when deleting objects from help layers
    - Compression of uploaded images (Android) - JPEG format only

    • allows you to set the default photo compression level for this user (more information in the Files and photos).

    - Image compression (Android) - only JPEG format - allows setting the default photo compression level for this user (more information in Files and photos).

    2.2 Users

    Organization administrators and department administrators have access to manage users. After clicking on in the menu at the top right. The user overview will be displayed, where users can be created, edited and deleted.

  • Sorting - to sort the table by a column, click on the column header. Depending on the direction of the arrow next to the column name, the sorting is either ascending or descending.
  • User Search - to search for a user, enter their name in the search field.
  • Show Inactive - after checking the checkbox, inactive users will also be displayed in the user table.

  • After clicking on , page wrapping will be enabled (the page will display as many users as selected at the bottom of the list – default is 25).

  • After clicking on , page wrapping will be disabled (all users will be visible on one page).

  • 2.2.1 User roles

    RigelMap allows assigning permissions by assigning a role to a specified user account. The role system consists of four scopes with different levels of access and permissions:

    User Roles in RigelMap

    User Role Scope User Management Department Management Project Management Machine Management Object Modification
    Organization Administrator Full access to all projects within their organization. Create, edit, delete users within their organization. Manage all departments within their organization. Manage all projects within their organization. Manage all machines within their organization.
    Department Administrator Access to projects within the departments they administer. Create and edit users within their departments. No permissions. Manage projects within their departments. Manage machines within their departments.
    Regular User Access to projects not assigned to a department. No permissions. No permissions. No permissions. View machines within their department.
    Read-Only Access to projects they are assigned to. No permissions. No permissions. No permissions. View machines within their department.
    *Read-Only users have read-only access with the ability to export data and generate reports.

    Organization Administrator

    This permission grants full access to the entire organization and all its projects. The administrator can perform the following actions:

    • Create, edit and delete all users in the organization.
    • Create, edit, delete and manage all departments in the organization. This means, among other things, adding users and projects to different departments.
    • Create, edit, open and disable all projects in your organization.
    • Create, edit, and assign all machines in their organization to a project.

    Department administrator

    Permission provide full access within the department(s) the user is the department administrator for. A department administrator can perform the following actions within the department(s) the user manages:

    • Create and edit users in the department they administer (cannot edit the organization administrator).
    • Create, edit, open and disable all projects.
    • Create, edit, and assign all machines in their department to a project.

    In addition, a department administrator has only regular user rights as described below.


    Ordinary users will have access to projects in their organization that either do not belong to any departments or that belong to the department(s) the user also belongs to. Users this have the following accesses:

    • Open and use all projects without a department.
    • View machines not assigned to departments and those assigned to departments they belong to (can use machines in the mobile app).


    The read-only user has access to measurement data of the project they are assigned to, as well as all projects in the departments they have access to. They can also view machines and projects that are not assigned to any department.

    Such users have restrictions on creating, deleting, and modifying:

    • layers,
    • objects,
    • projects,
    • users,
    • machines.

    Despite various restrictions, these users can:
    • use machines in the mobile app (preview version)
    • export measurement data
    • generate reports

    The user is assigned to a project by the admnistrator or department administrator.

    2.2.2 Create new user

    To create a new user, fill in all the fields in the form and select the appropriate role.

    • Department administrator can create a regular user and a read-only user.

    • Client administrator can additionally create administrators within the client.

    In the "Departments" tab, you can associate a user with one or more departments. In the example below, the user will be an administrator of the "Oslo" department, but just a regular user of the "Bergen" department. The user will then have access to all projects associated with these departments and will be able to manage projects and users within the "Oslo" department. Check out the user roles for more information

    Click "Save" to create the user.

    2.2.3 Editing and deleting users

    In user editing, you can change the name, password, role, and deactivate the user.

    You can also change which departments the user should belong to. In the example below, the user will be removed from the department "Bergen", and thus not have access to projects associated with this department.

    Click "Save" to apply the changes.

    2.2.4 Activate/Deactivate user

    Department administrators in the "Users" tab have access to activate/deactivate users from the same department. To deactivate or activate a user, click the button with the corresponding label.

    2.3 Projects

    Administrators and department administrators have access to project administration. By clicking on the menu option: In the menu in the top right corner, the user will access the project overview, where they can create, edit, and deactivate projects. When you disable a project, it will not be available to users. However, data will not be deleted, and projects can be reactivated at any time.

    For more information, see Portal View in Desktop Version.

    2.3.1 Create new project

    To create a new project, go to the projects tab in the portal menu and select "New project".

    Next, you need to fill out the form with the following information.

    • Required:
      • Template - each template has unique features and tools,
      • CRS (Coordinate system)
      • Add layers from a template (optional) - after selecting the checkbox, a window with a dropdown list containing available templates will be displayed,
      • Altitude system,
      • Project number (optional) - numbers only - must be unique
      • Name - project name - must be unique
      • Description (optional) - project description
      • Department - the list of departments is available after expanding, showing only those to which the user has been assigned by the administrator.
        • No department means that the project will be visible within the entire company to which the user belongs.
    • Optional:
      • Add layers from template - after selecting the checkbox, a window with a dropdown list containing available templates will appear,
      • Project number - numbers only - must be unique,
        • no number means that the next project number will be generated automatically.
      • Description - project description,
      • Desktop application access only for administrator - if checked, only users with administrator privileges will have access to the desktop version,
        • this means that users without administrator privileges will only be able to access the mobile version of the project.
      • Restrict editing of objects by other users - allows limiting object editing to the author/administrator,
        • this means that only the authors of a given object and administrators will be able to modify its geometry/attributes.
      • Require measurement for a specified number of seconds (epochs) - after enabling, you must specify the number of epochs,
        • this means that each point object measurement will be averaged over the specified number of epochs.
      • Enable default layer - this option allows the user to select a layer that will be automatically selected upon project startup,
        • this means that the project will start in measurement mode with the selected layer. (Measurement mode is only available in the mobile application)
      • Enable altitude offset layout - this option allows adjusting the vertical reference system offset for the project.
    After clicking "Save," the project will be created.

    2.3.2 Editing project

    During editing a project, you can change its name, description, and department. The project will then be moved from its current department to the selected one.

    Similarly to creating a new project, you can enable/disable and set/change the "Default layer".

    Changes will be saved by clicking "Save".

    2.3.3 Custom templates

  • Creating a template from a project
  • To create a template from an existing project, go to the project selection window. Then, click the .

    Fill out the form by providing the template name and description.

  • Managing templates

  • In the template management window, the user can create, edit, and delete templates.

    You can create a new template by clicking the New button.

    Then, select the source project and fill out the form with the template name and description (optional).

    By clicking the Edit button, the user can edit the name and description of the template.

    To delete a template, click on the Delete button and confirm the operation in the displayed dialog box.

    Authorized users have the ability to create global templates available to a specific department.
    To make a template global, you need to select the option "Set as Global" during the template creation process.

    2.4 Departments

    Administrators have access to manage departments. By clicking on the menu option: in the menu at the top right you will get to the overview of departments where you can create, edit and delete departments.

    The use of departments is optional, but using this you can restrict access to projects to different user groups. Projects can be associated with departments and only users who are associated with the departments will then have access. A project can only be linked to one department, while users can be associated with several departments. Within the various departments, you can put some users as "Department Administrator" who get extended rights within their departments. See user roles for more information

    2.5 Machines

    In the desktop version of RigelMap, the user has the ability to manage machines and their configuration based on the user's permissions and machine settings.
    The table presents the permissions of different types of users regarding machine management in RigelMap. These permissions are differentiated based on access to functions such as creating, editing, visibility, deactivating, and assigning machines to projects. The table distinguishes four categories of users:

    • Read-only - has minimal permissions, mainly limited to reading.
    • Normal user - has minimal permissions in managing machines assigned to a specific department.
    • Department administrator - has broader permissions in managing machines assigned to a specific department.
    • Organization administrator - has full permissions for both machines assigned to a department and unassigned machines within the organization.
    More about user permissions and their roles in 2.2.1.

    Machine Management Permissions Table.

    User Permissions / Machine Management Machine Scope Read-Only User Normal User Department
    Creating a New Machine Without Department x x x 🗸
    Department x x ☑* 🗸
    Editing a Machine Without Department x x x 🗸
    Department x x ☑* 🗸
    Machine Visibility Without Department 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
    Department 🗸
    Deactivating a Machine Without Department x x x 🗸
    Department x x 🗸
    Assigning a Machine to a Project Without Department x x 🗸
    Marking a Machine as Active Without Department x x 🗸
    Symbol Description
    x No permissions
    🗸 Full permissions
    Permissions (for departments the user belongs to)
    ☑* Permissions (requires department assignment*)

    After clicking in the menu in the upper right corner, the user will be redirected to the machine management panel, where they can create, edit, and deactivate machines.

    2.5.1 Adding Machines

    To add a machine, click in the upper right corner of the screen. Then a dialog box will appear where you need to enter the necessary information.

    Note! To add an asphalt paver/compactor machine, machine configuration is required!
    More about machine configuration can be found in:

    Each machine has the same basic information fields, such as:
    • Machine Name - a unique name identifying the machine. It can be any name that will make it easier to distinguish between machines in the system.
    • Description (optional) - the user can provide additional information about the machine, such as the exact version of the machine.
    • Type - select one of the available options.
      • Asphalt paver
      • Compactor
      • Excavator
    • Department - from the list of available departments, select the one to which the machine being created is to be assigned (no department means global for the entire organization - only the organization administrator can add global machines).

    After selecting the type of machine, additional fields specific to the selected type will appear in the form.
  • Asphalt paver configuration

    To configure the paver, fill out the form with the following additional fields:
    • A1, A2 - antenna height,
    • B1, B2 - longitudinal offset,
    • C1, C2 - lateral (side) offset.
  • Compactor configuration

    • The configuration process requires the calibration of the following parameters:
      • A - Right Point (Receiver position during calibration of the right point)
      • B - Left Point (Receiver position during calibration of the left point)
      • C - Drum Diameter (Value of the drum diameter expressed in centimeters)
      • D - Antenna Base Point (Receiver position during work with the antenna)
      Parameters A, B, and D require a geodetic point in DD or DMS format.

      In the case of C, the drum diameter must be given in cm.

  • Excavator configuration
    • An excavator can be added from the desktop or mobile application in the GIS portal panel.
      The user also has the option to select the excavator manufacturer, which is marked with a name and color for easier machine identification.

      After entering the necessary information, click the Save button. After saving, the configuration window will be "frozen" and a countdown will start.

    To add a machine, the user must enter the pin provided on the screen into the DigPilot application before the countdown ends. If the pin is not correctly entered into the DigPilot application, the changes will be withdrawn, and the machine will not be added.

    2.5.2 Editing Machines

    Editing machines allows for changes in machine configuration without affecting the data/measurements from the machine or the project to which the machine is assigned.
    The ability to edit a machine depends on the user's permissions (see the table 2.5). To edit a machine, click the edit button next to the machine you want to edit. Then a dialog box similar to adding a new machine will appear.

    During editing, changes can be made in the machine name, description, and department fields. The new machine properties will be saved after confirming with the Save button.

    2.5.3 Deleting Machines

    To delete a machine, click the delete icon next to the machine to be deleted. Then a dialog box will appear where you need to confirm the deletion.
    After confirmation, the machine will not be visible in the machine view and will not be available for use.

    2.6 User interface

    The RigelMap application offers an intuitive user interface, allowing users to efficiently use it without reading long manuals or attending courses. The following figure shows the user interface for a standard map window. The appearance may vary slightly depending on the selected options. It can also be customized for each organization and may differ slightly depending on different modules.

    2.6.1 Main menu

    2.6.2 Moveable editor panel

    The user can adjust the position of the editor panel.
    Drag the panel to reposition it. At the time of dragging, a possible new position of the editor will be shown on the map, to confirm the new position just drop.

    When changing, the system will remember the last position of the editor and will be visible in the new position each time it is turned on.

    2.6.3 Layer tree

    The layer tree in RigelMap is a panel that displays the hierarchical structure of layers available in the project.
    It offers many possibilities for managing and manipulating layers. Here is a description of these features:
  • Displaying Layers - The layer tree allows you to display all the layers available in the project. You can expand or collapse them to show or hide individual layers as needed.
  • Layer Order - The layer tree allows changing the order of layers by dragging and dropping them. This function is useful when you want to define which layer should be displayed on top and which should be at the bottom in cases of overlapping objects. To save changes, click on the icon
      Note! The save icon () will appear when the layer order in the tree is modified! During this time, it will not be possible to edit layers/groups or import files. You must also save changes in the editor before saving changes to the layer tree – otherwise, the changes will be discarded!
  • Enabling/Disabling Layers - Layers can be enabled or disabled using a checkbox next to each layer in the layer tree. Disabling a layer makes it invisible on the map, but it remains available in the project.
  • Grouping Layers - The layer tree allows you to create layer groups for better organization of the project. You can create a group and move related layers into it to maintain order and structure in the project. More information can be found in section 3.4.
  • Adding New Layers - The layer tree allows you to add new layers to the project. More information can be found in section 3.2.
  • Deleting Layers/Groups - Using the right mouse button, you can delete a layer or group (a group cannot contain layers). More information: Deleting Layers/Groups.
  • Renaming Layers/Groups - Using the right mouse button, you can rename a layer or group. More information: Renaming a Layer.
  • Layer Filtering - The layer tree allows you to filter layers based on specific criteria. You can quickly find and display only the layers that meet certain conditions.
  • Managing Layer Properties - The layer tree provides access to various properties and configuration options for individual layers. You can modify styles, symbols, labels, relationships with other layers, etc.
  • Adding WMS Layers - More information can be found in section 3.20.
  • Adding GML Layers - More information can be found in section 3.24.1.
  • Adding Layers from Definitions - More information can be found in section 3.7.
  • Adding TIN Layers - More information can be found in the section Triangular Irregular Network (TIN).

  • These layer tree features in RigelMap allow for efficient management of layers in the project, organization of geospatial data, and intuitive and flexible display and manipulation of layers.

    3. RigelMap desktop

    The desktop version of RigelMap is fully synchronized with the admin panel and the mobile version. The desktop version includes additional tools and functions that allow work without the need to go into the field.
    This chapter will cover tools and functionalities for digitization, editing, importing, and exporting objects. It will also cover the handling of layers, GML layers, and WMS layers. Users will learn how to style layers or object's in DXF layers. This section will also describe project settings and user account settings in the application.

    3.0 Project Tools Panel

    Tool Tool Icon Short Tip
    Navigation and Zoom
    Show full map Resets the map view to full extent
    Zoom in by selection Allows you to zoom in on a specific area
    Go to previous view Goes to the previous map view
    Go to next view Goes to the next map view
    Manage views Manage fixed project views
    Identification and Measurements
    Object identification (attributes) Clicking on the map displays information about the object
    Measure distance Allows you to measure the distance between points
    Measure area Allows you to measure the area of the region
    Show location Displays the current device location
    GoogleStreetView Opens a new dialog window with StreetView
    Road reference Opens a new dialog window for road referencing
    Exporting and Sharing
    Print map Generates a printable map using available templates
    Create a link to the map view Creates a permalink for the current map view
    Create image report Creates a report for images within the current map extent
    Editing and Data Analysis
    Edit objects Toggles layer editing mode
    3D volume calculation Opens the interface for volume calculation using TIN models
    Import files Opens a new dialog window with importer interface
    Help and Information
    Documentation Opens the RigelMap documentation section
    Feedback Allows you to report feedback/issues with the system

    3.0.1 Navigation and Zoom

  • Show Entire Map
  • Displays the entire map. The zoom level may vary depending on the selected coordinate system for the project.

  • Zoom by Selection
  • After activating the tool, select an area on the map to zoom in.

  • Go to Previous View
  • Returns to the previous view—if a previous view exists—for the active session.

  • Go to Next View
  • Moves to the next view—if a next view exists (i.e., if the previous view function was used earlier)—for the active session.

  • Manage Views
  • View management is described in the section: User Views.

    3.0.2 Identification and Measurement

  • Object Identification (Attributes)
  • Object identification is described in a separate section: Object Identification.

  • Measure Distance
  • After activating the tool, the user can measure distances by creating consecutive points on the map. The measurement remains visible until a new measurement is started or the tool is deactivated. To finish the current measurement, double-click the left mouse button – the measurement will remain visible until the next click, which starts a new measurement.

  • Measure Area
  • After activating the tool, the user can measure areas by creating consecutive points on the map. The measured area remains visible until a new measurement is started or the tool is deactivated. To finish the current measurement, double-click the left mouse button – the measured area will remain visible until the next click, which starts a new measurement.

  • Show Location
  • After activation, the system will attempt to obtain the location of the device in use.

    Note! The user will need to grant RigelMap permission to access the devices location.

  • Google Street View
  • After activating the tool, the user can select a location on the map using the mouse cursor and then click on the desired location. A new dialog window will appear with the Street View display. If Google Street View data is available for the selected location, the Street View will be displayed in the dialog.

  • Road Reference
  • Road referencing is described in a separate section: Road Reference.

    3.0.3 Exporting and Sharing

  • Print Map
  • Printing the map is described in a separate section: Map Printing.

  • Create a Link to the Map View
  • Creating a link to the map view is described in a separate section: Permalink.

  • Generate an Image Report
  • Generating an image report is described in a separate section: Image Report.

    3.0.4 Editing and Data Analysis

  • Editing Objects
  • Editing objects is described in a separate section: Editor Tool Panel.

  • 3D Earthworks Calculation
  • 3D earthworks calculation is described in a separate section: 3D Earthworks Calculation.

  • Import Files
  • File importing is described in a separate section: Importer.

    3.0.5 Help and Information

  • Documentation
  • Opens the documentation in a new browser tab.

  • Feedback
  • The user can submit feedback or request technical support by contacting support from the desktop application or mobile device: Email Support.

    3.1 Editor Tools Panel

    This chapter will discuss tools for digitizing and editing geometry that are found in the editing panel. This panel is activated when the editing mode of the selected layer is enabled.

    The tools in the panel vary depending on the type of geometry of the selected layer:

      - point layer,
      - line layer,
      - polygon layer,
      - polygon layer (circle).

    Below is a table of available tools in the editor panel:

    Geometry Editor Tools and Options

    Tool Tool Icon Quick Tip Works with Geometry: Circle*
    Point Line Polygon
    Editor Panel Enable/disable editing mode x
    Draw Point Draw a point at the selected location on the map x x x
    Draw Line Draw a line by creating new vertices x x x
    Draw Polygon Draw a polygon by creating new vertices x x x
    Draw Triangle Automatically draw triangles after creating the third vertex. (Only TIN layers) x x x
    Draw Circle Draw a circle at the selected location on the map x x x
    Modify Geometry Modify the object's geometry x
    Snapping Enable/disable snapping function
    Choose Geometry Select objects by dragging
    Move Geometry Move the selected object x
    Merge Selected Geometries Merge selected objects into one x x
    Split Geometry Split the object into parts x x x
    Cut Geometry Cut an area from a polygon x x x
    Delete Object Delete the selected object x
    Save Changes Save changes made to the layer
    Note! Circle*: only selected polygon layers GML have the ability to create and edit circle geometry.

    3.1.1 Edit Mode

    To open the editor tools panel, you need to enable editing mode. To do this, select the layer in the layer tree and then click on the edit symbol . The layer editing mode will be activated and the editor tools panel will appear.
    Note! Users with "Read-Only" permissions, and certain layer types cannot enable layer editing mode.

    3.1.2 Digitalization

    After clicking the symbol , the editing menu will open in the map window. Digitization starts with the editing mode, allowing immediate creation of geometry using the mouse cursor.

    Draw point

    To digitize points, select the symbol and then click a position on the map.
    When the point is added, a form will appear where you can specify the objects details.

    In addition to the information, you can define a new code for the object or use an existing one.
    The form varies depending on the currently selected layer.

    Draw line

    To digitize a line, select the symbol , and then use the left mouse button to add subsequent vertices.
    Right mouse button - ends geometry creation - with the last vertex added at the right mouse button click.

  • point mode - the shape of the line is created based on points placed on the map,
  • free mode - while creating the line, hold the "Shift" key. Free mode allows creating lines of irregular shapes,
  • snapping mode - while creating, hold the "Ctrl" key or click on the icon. This mode additionally displays perpendicular lines at the end of the line. This mode allows creating parallel lines and geometries.
  • Draw polygon

    To digitize a polygon, select the symbol , and then use the left mouse button to add subsequent vertices.
    Right mouse button - ends geometry creation - with the last vertex added at the right mouse button click.

  • point mode - the shape of the area is created based on points placed on the map,
  • free mode - while creating the area, hold the "Shift" key. Free mode allows creating areas of irregular shapes,
  • snapping mode - while creating, hold the "Ctrl" key or click on the icon. This mode additionally displays perpendicular lines at the end of the area.
  • Draw triangle

    To digitize a triangle, select the [TIN] layer, enable editing mode, and then select the symbol . Next, use the left mouse button to add consecutive vertices. After creating the third vertex, the object will be saved automatically.

    Note! The form for the TIN layer is disabled!

  • point mode - the shape of the surface is created based on the points placed on the map,
  • snapping mode - while creating, hold the "Ctrl" key or click the icon. This mode also displays perpendicular lines when completing the surface.
  • Draw circle*

    Ability to create a circle by designating the center of the circle, then determining the diameter of the circle using the mouse, or entering the radius value in the window at the bottom.
    Note! Circle digitization is available only for a specific GML layer.

    3.1.3 Modify Geometry

    To modify geometry, enable the geometry editing mode . During this mode, only one geometry can be modified at a time. The snapping function to geometry also works when modifying objects.
    Geometry modification varies depending on the type of geometry:

    Point Modification:

    To modify a point's geometry, simply click and hold the left mouse button on the point - then move it to the desired location.
    After releasing, the geometry will change its position. To accept the modification, save the changes by clicking on the diskette .

    Line Modification:

    To modify line geometry, click on the geometry to edit, and it will highlight, entering geometry editing mode.
    Points will be displayed on the line, which can be used to modify the geometry. To do this, select a point and move it ("Drag and Drop") to the new position.
    To add a new vertex, move the gray "X" located between the geometry vertices, thus creating a new break at that point.
    This vertex will have an interpolated height, calculated based on the distance to the nearest vertices.

    Polygon Modification:

    To modify polygon geometry, click on the geometry to edit, and it will highlight, entering geometry editing mode.
    Points will be displayed on the polygon, which can be used to modify the geometry. To do this, select a point and move it ("Drag and Drop") to the new position.
    To add a new vertex, move the gray "X" located between the geometry vertices, thus creating a new break at that point.
    This vertex will have an interpolated height, calculated based on the distance to the nearest vertices.

    Modifying a Triangle:

    To modify the geometry of a triangle, click on the geometry for editing, and it will be highlighted, switching to geometry editing mode.
    Points will appear on the triangle, which can be used to modify its geometry. To do this, select a point and move it ("Drag and Drop") to a new position.

    Note! In triangle editing mode – adding or deleting vertices is not possible!

    Circle Modification:

    To modify a circle, click on the geometry to edit, and it will highlight, entering geometry editing mode.
    A point will be displayed on the circle , which can be used to dynamically adjust the circle's radius. To do this, move it, specifying the new radius of the circle.
    To add a new vertex, move the gray "X" located between the geometry vertices, thus creating a new break at that point.
    This vertex will have an interpolated height, calculated based on the distance to the nearest vertices.

    To accept the changes to the modified geometry, confirm them by clicking on the icon .
    Did you know?
    Vertices can also be deleted.
    To do this, hover over the vertex and press the "Delete" key on the keyboard.

    3.1.4 Snapping

    To enable the object snapping function, click on the icon .
    To disable the object snapping function, click on the icon .
    The snapping tool works when digitizing points, lines, and areas. Snapping also works when modifying the object's geometry (vertices) using the geometry modification tool. .
    When snapping is enabled, there are two types of cursors visible when hovering over geometry:
    - snapping to the object's edge
    - snapping to the object's vertex
    Clicking on the vertex allows creating geometry.

    To finish digitizing a new object, simply right-click. The digitization window will open, as in point 3.1.2.

    3.1.5 Choose Geometry

    To select geometry, click the icon , then select objects on the map. Selected objects are highlighted in yellow. Information about the number of selected objects is displayed on the bottom bar.
    Note! Some tools are inactive if no geometry is selected.

    Selecting Points:

    Selecting Lines:

    Selecting Polygons:

    3.1.6 Move Geometry

    To move geometry, click on , and then on the object's geometry to be moved.
    The object can be moved, and after moving it, save the changes.

    3.1.7 Merge Selected Geometries

    To merge geometries, at least two objects must be selected using the symbol: .
    If at least two objects are selected, the geometry merge icon will be unlocked (highlighted).

      Merging lines

      After clicking on the geometry merge icon: a window with source attribute selection will open:

      By default, the "Fill gaps" option is selected. After merging, lines connecting the merged objects will be created.

      Merging areas

      After clicking on the geometry merge icon: a window with source attribute selection will open:

      After accepting the changes, the merged geometry will be highlighted in green.

      To save the changes, click on the icon .

    3.1.8 Split Geometry

    A line can be split into parts using the line split button . Select the line using: . Then, while digitizing the line, cut the selected line segment and click the right mouse button. The line is then split at the intersections.

    3.1.9 Cut Geometry

    The "Cut Geometry" tool allows modifying source geometries using the difference.
    To activate the tool, select the object with the "Select Geometry" function. Then go to the tools panel and click the icon .
    After activating the tool, drag the mouse over the selected object to mark the area to be removed.

    After completing the operation, save the changes by clicking the icon .

    3.1.8 Direct entry of coordinates

    In RigelMap, you can create points for specific coordinates. After clicking in the editing menu, enter the coordinate values.

    3.1.11 Delete Object

    To delete one or more objects, you must first select the object(s). To do this, select the objects , and then click on the delete icon . The user will be asked to confirm the deletion of the geometry. To accept the changes, confirm them by clicking on the icon .
    Note! Once saved, deleted data cannot be restored.

    3.1.12 Save Changes

    Each geometry modification operation requires saving by the user. If the user does not save the changes, they will be discarded.
    If the diskette is inactive - it means that modifications have not been made.
    If the diskette is active - it means that modifications have been made, and the user must accept the changes to save them.
    Note! Attempting to change the layer in the layer tree while editing is enabled and changes are not saved may result in data loss!

    3.2 Styling

    RigelMap offers advanced tools for editing styles, including various options for colors, styles, fills, and symbols.

    3.2.1 Layer Styling

    Customizing layer style can be done when creating a new layer or by editing an existing layer.
    To do this, go to the "Add Layer/Edit Layer" window.

    • Edit Label - In the "Label" tab, the user can adjust the visibility of the label by checking/unchecking the "Show Label" checkbox. When unchecked, all editing options are disabled.

      The user can customize what information is displayed in the label. To do this, click on the arrow icon, and a list of available options will be displayed.
      Note! Options available in the dropdown list vary depending on the layer type and geometry.

      Next option is the ability to edit the font and outline. While editing the font, the user can adjust:



      While editing the outline, the user can adjust:


    • Edit Layer Style - the user has the option to use predefined styles as well as custom ones. Defined styles contain prepared options for representing objects on the map. To apply such a style, choose one from the available ones and save by clicking the "Save" button.

      To use custom styles, choose "Custom" from the "Style Type" list.

      When using custom styles, the user can customize:
      Symbol Type

      Symbol Color and Size

    • Object Codes – alphanumeric designation used to identify objects on the map, aiming to assign them to specific categories. Codes facilitate sorting objects in the attribute table and define object properties. Assigning a code to a layer is possible when creating a layer or editing it. To do this, go to the "Object Codes" tab.

      Codes can be added using the list of created codes or by adding custom ones.
      Code List - to choose a code, expand the list by clicking the arrow icon, then select the code. After selection, click the "Add" button, and the code will be displayed in the code list.

      It is also possible to add codes in a range. To do this, check the "Add Range" checkbox, then select the range.

      Custom - to add custom codes, choose "Custom Source", then enter the number and add with the "Add" button.

      Note! All objects that have an object code, after deleting their source layer, are transferred to the basic layer with the same geometry. When creating or editing a new layer, the user can assign an object code corresponding to the transferred objects. After saving, these objects will be in the new layer.

    3.2.2 Object Styling (DXF)

    To customize the style of an object, you need to enter the "Edit Attributes/Styles" window. For this, you can right-click on the object on the map

    or in the attribute table,

    and then choose the "Edit Attributes/Styles" option. Various modification options will appear in the window.

    • Label Size: Specifies the size of the label text.

    • Label Text: Specifies the label text.

    • Label Angle: Specifies the angle of inclination of the label text.

    • Label Color: Determines the color of the label text.

    • Label Position: Specifies the position of the label relative to the object.

    • Label Offset: Establishes the offset of the label from the object. The value must be entered in the correct format, for example, 1.0.

    • Label Text Bold: Specifies whether the label text should be bold.

    • Label Text Italic: Specifies whether the label text should be italicized.

    • Label Text Underline: Specifies whether the label text should have an underline.

    • Label Text Strike: Specifies whether the label text should have a strike-through.

    • Label Buffer: Specifies whether the label buffer should be visible.

    • Label Background: Specifies whether the label should have a background.

    • Label Shadow: Specifies whether the label should have a shadow.

    • Stroke Color: Specifies the color of the objects outline.

    • Use Symbol: Indicates whether the object symbol should be used.

    • Symbol: Specifies the symbol used for the layer.

    • Symbol Angle: Specifies the angle of inclination of the symbol.

    • Symbol Size: Establishes the size of the symbol.

    Note! Editing options vary depending on the layer type and geometry.
    When editing multiple objects simultaneously (multi-edit), select the fields to change by checking the selection fields.

    Then save the changes with the "Save" button.

    3.3 Adding layers

    Each user with the rights to edit the project can add a new layer/group. You can add a new layer in two ways:

    - By clicking the left mouse button on the green plus visible in the left panel

    and then selecting an option "Add Layer".

    - By right-clicking on the group to which we want to add a new layer, and then selecting an option "Add Layer"

    In both cases, a new dialog will appear, in which we can name the layer, select its type, visibility depending on the scale of the map, give a label, style and add feature codes.

    3.4 Custom fields

    Adding custom fields to layers is possible during the creation of a new layer and editing the layer style.
    To manage custom fields, select "Custom Fields" from the menu. From this window, the user can add, delete, and edit fields.
    To add a new field, click "Add".

    In the "Field Name" field, provide a name, and in the "Field Type" field, select the field type.

    Five different types are available: text, number, list, relation, and logic.
    Each custom field type has the following properties:

    • Field Name - the name visible in the form and attribute table,
    • Field Type - the type of custom field,
    • Hide in staking mode - during staking in mobile mode, the attribute in the form will be hidden (even if required).
    For all field types except logic fields, there is also the property:
    • Required Field - when creating an object, all required fields must be filled in to save it.

    To add a custom field to a layer, fill in the required attributes of the custom field and click the add button.

    All added fields will be visible in the management window: Field_Name [Field Type].

    Custom fields of the selected layer are visible in the identification window, the add/edit object form, and the attribute table.

  • Custom Field Order
    • The display order of attributes (custom fields) in the object creation/edit form and the attribute table corresponds to the settings configured in the "Custom Fields" section of a given layer.
    To change the order of custom fields from the layer creation/editing panel:
      1. Select the "Custom Fields" tab
      2. Click and drag the selected field to a new position
      3. Save changes

    Before Change

    After Change

  • Required Field and Conditional Requirement
  • Warning! Custom fields marked as required must be filled in – otherwise, the user will not be able to save the object!
    In the form, required fields are highlighted in red.

    To configure the requirement for custom fields, check the Required Field option (during the custom field configuration) and set up the conditions.
    If the required field option is checked but no dependencies are set, the field will always be required.

    If a dependency is set, the requirement to fill in the field will depend on whether the specified conditions are met.

    Example - Configuration of the "Demo_test_ver_nr" Field
    The field "Demo_test_ver_nr" is configured as:
    • A numeric field
    • A required field (dependent on the value of another field)
    • The requirement depends on the value in the field Test_1
    • Required value: "test"

    When the specified condition is met, the field becomes mandatory to fill.

    If the option "Block editing for other values" is active, it means that the field will only be required if the condition is met. Otherwise, the field will be inactive, meaning the user will not be able to enter/select a value for this attribute.

    3.4.1 Text field

    The text field allows the user to enter any text. Available configuration options include:

    • Required Field - the user must fill it in before saving.
    • Hide in staking mode - the field will not be visible in staking mode.

    3.4.2 Number field

    A number field is a field that will only accept numerical values. Available configuration options include:

    • Required Field - the user must fill it in before saving.
    • Hide in staking mode - the field will not be visible in staking mode.
    • Precision - the number of decimal places.
    • Minimum Value - the minimum allowable number.
    • Maximum Value - the maximum allowable number.

    3.4.3 List field

    A list field allows selecting a value from a predefined list. Available configuration options include:

    • Required Field - the user must fill it in before saving.
    • Hide in staking mode - the field will not be visible in staking mode.
    • Set as default value - only one value can be set as default, and it will be automatically selected when adding an object.
    • Require photo - the option to require a photo for selected list items.
    • Filter in staking mode - filtering values available in staking mode.
    The user enters the name and sets the field as default.

    If the user sets another field as default, they will need to confirm their selection as only one default value can be set.

    3.4.4 Relation field

    A relation field allows selecting a value based on relationships with other objects. Available configuration options include:

    • Required Field - the user must fill it in before saving.
    • Hide in staking mode - the field will not be visible in staking mode.
    • Relation Layer - selected from the list of existing layers as the relation layer.
    • Property from field - the displayed value from the field for the found objects in the relation.
    • Number of returned objects - the maximum number of nearest objects that can be returned.
    • Distance threshold to object - the maximum distance of the nearest objects to the created point (up to 100 meters).
    • Automatically select the nearest object - selects the nearest object available in the list.

    If the layer contains a relation field, the tools: quick measurement and tracking will be disabled, and the icons will dim. When the user clicks on the tool icon, they will see a message in orange.

    3.4.5 Logic field

    A logic field allows storing True or False values. Available configuration options include:

    • Default Value - true or false, automatically selected when creating an object.
    • Hide in staking mode - the field will not be visible in staking mode.

    3.5 Adding groups

    To add a new group to the project, click the left mouse button on the green plus visible in the left panel

    and then select "Add Group". A new window will appear with a field to enter a name for a new group. The name must be unique, cannot consist of only numbers, and start with a number. Finish by clicking the "Add group" button.

    3.6 Deleting layers/groups

    To delete a layer/group, simply right-click on the layer/group in the layer tree, and then select the "Delete layer"/"Delete group" option from the context menu.

    We confirm the deletion by clicking "Yes". Note, you cannot delete groups with existing layers, you must delete all layers first.

    3.7 Editing layers

    To edit a layer, right-click on it on the left in the layer tree, and then select "Edit Layer".

    Just like when adding layers, a window will pop up, which allows you to change the label, style and codes of objects.

    3.8 Layers/Group definitions

    Layer definitions allow you to create templates from cut-out portions of the layer tree. To create a definition from a layer/group, right-click on the layer/group and select "Save layer definition".
    WARNING! Definitions can only be created from groups/layers that have custom layers within or contain them!

    Then, give the definition a name.

    NOTE! Users with administrator privileges have the ability to set the layer definition as global.

    To go to the definition management panel, click on "Add layers from definition".

    Then, in the layer definition window, you can manage the definitions.

  • Adding:
  • Select the definition and the target group, and click the "Add" button.

  • Changing the definition name
  • To change the name, right-click on the definition and select "Change name". In the name change window, enter the new name and save the changes by clicking the "Change name" button.

  • Deleting the definition
  • To delete the definition from the project, right-click on the definition and select "Delete". Then confirm the operation by clicking the OK button.

    3.9 Renaming layers

    To change the name of a layer, just click on the layer in the tree, and then select "Rename".

    Then enter a new layer name (it must be unique) and click OK.

    3.10 "Projects" tab

    It enables efficient management and movement between projects.

    3.10.1 View in the desktop application

    To open the "Projects" tab in the work area, click on the Projects

    There are three main directories in the tab:

    • Recent projects - projects which the user has recently worked on (up to ten recent projects),
    • Favorites - projects that have been marked as favorites
    • All - all projects the user has access to.
    If the user belongs to more than one department, the directory with the name of that department will appear in the All directory.
    The number in parentheses next to the directory name indicates the number of projects in the directory.
    Clicking the right mouse button on a project will open a menu.
    There are four options to choose from:

    After selecting the first Open project option, the user will be redirected to the selected project, while after selecting the Open project in a new tab option, the user will open a new tab with the selected project.
    Add to Favorites adds selected project to your favorites and places it in the "Favorites" folder. Remove from favorites remove selected project from "Favorites" folder
    Field allows you to filter projects by the phrase provided in the field.

    3.10.2 Portal view in the desktop version

    • Project number - the project number,
    • Name - project name,
    • Description - project description,
    • Department - department to which the project has been assigned,
    • CRS - coordinate system for this project (given at the time of creation),
    • Altitude system - altitude system for this project (given at the time of creation),
    • Created - date and time the project was created,
    • Active - whether the project is active () or inactive (),
    • Favorites - whether the project is a favorite () or not ().
    To sort by column name, click on the column name. An arrow will appear next to the name indicating the sorting direction..
    - up arrow means ascending sort,
    - down arrow signifies descending sort.
    To add a project to your favorites, click on the star in the column Favorite

    and to remove from favorites, click on the yellow star

    To display only the projects that belong to the "favorites" click on:

    By default, deactivated projects are hidden. However, you can display them by clicking on the "Show inactive" checkbox.

    There is a box in the top right corner in which after you enter the phrase to search.
    After entering the phrase projects that contain the given string will be displayed. The simultaneous number of displayed projects in the table can be set in the number of records field. To do this, click on the field in the lower left corner of the table and select the number of records.

    To go to the next page, select the number from the lower right corner of the table.

    3.10.3 Portal view in the mobile version

    By selecting the option Show favourites only, only the projects you have previously added to your favourites will be displayed. All information about the project will expand after clicking on the .

    In the project details you will find all the informations such as in point 2.13.2.

    3.11 "Files" tab

    To access the Files tab, select the tab as shown in the attached image.

    The tab contains a field where files are stored and placed. A file can be uploaded to the project in two ways:

  • Drag and drop,

  • attachment through the file explorer.

  • When the loading icon disappears, it means the file has been added successfully.

    To add a directory, right-click and select the "Add" option.

    In the newly opened window, enter the name of the directory (directory name cannot start with a special character, number, and names cannot be repeated)

    After confirming the changes with the "Add" button, the directory will be created in the "Files" tab. To change the arrangement of files/directories, use the "drag and drop" method.
    To save the changes, select the disk icon in the bottom right corner of the field.

    To navigate and filter efficiently, you can use the search field. Enter a phrase in the field.

    Files and directories can also be added directly to the directory. To do this, right-click on the directory and a menu with available options will appear.

    Files can be opened in two ways: by clicking on the file with the left mouse button, or by selecting the "Open file in new tab" option.

    To delete a file, select the "Delete" option and confirm.

    After the operation is complete, a message will appear with information.

    3.12 Object identification

    There are two ways to view information about objects in RigelMap:

    - Left click on the symbol of the object on the map. The so-called object identification window will appear.

    In the window you will find information such as:

    - Location
    - Address
    - Object identification results

    The results are displayed in separate tables for each layer. Default empty columns (on all rows) are hidden. From the identification window, you can edit a given object by clicking on the pencil icon . We have both the ability to show all columns by clicking on the button, and to hide the desired columns by clicking the eye icon in the upper right corner of the column header.

    - Right click on the layer in the layers tree and then select "Open Attribute Table".

    At the bottom, a panel with the selected layer will open, displaying by default the features within the map range.

    As in the case of the identification window, we can edit objects, just hover over the appropriate record in the attribute table and click the pencil icon on the left. Multiple records can be edited at once. Select the objects you are interested in by holding down the ctrl key, or holding down the shift key. After selecting the objects, click the button to edit multiple records: . An alternative is the ability to select multiple objects on the map. To do this, select the Select geometry tool and mark the objects.

    NOTE! To add objects to the selected objects, hold the "Shift" key and select the objects. To remove objects, hold the "Ctrl" key.

    As in the case of regular editing of the object, a window with fields to fill will pop up, finish by clicking on "Update".
    Additionally, it is possible to manage the visibility of objects in the project field. By clicking on the "eye" icon, the object becomes visible () or invisible ().

    To display all objects of a given layer in the project, hover over and click on this icon: .

    Attribute table has a filtering function. Thanks to filtering, the user can display in the attribute table those rows that meet specific criteria. To set a filter for the table, hover the mouse cursor over the column. After hovering, an arrow icon will appear, which you should click on.
    Filters and filtering methods:

  • Basic filters - ascending/descending sorting (alphabetically for columns containing text),

  • Filtering columns in the table - allows you to specify which columns should be displayed in the attribute table,

  • Custom filters - allow you to specify conditions based on which rows are displayed, for example, whether they contain a specific phrase (in the case of text) or are within a specified numerical range (in the case of numbers).

    3.13 Geotechnics module

    This module allows you to add so-called "geotechnical samples". Adding samples is possible only in the mobile application, while preview is available both in the field version and in the desktop version.

    To be able to add samples for a specific (point) layer, the project must be properly configured by a GeoNord employee, and the "geotechnics" plugin must be active.

    If you have prepared your project to use this module, you must first create a new sample layer. The layer must be with 472 object code. Samples are available for any object with the code 472, so you must measure an object to add a sample.

    The "Sample" option will be unlocked for the created object. To find it, go to the object identification mode in the mobile version.

    After clicking the red button, a new dialog will open, in which the samples (if any) will be displayed, and a field allowing to create a new sample. After expanding the field, we are able to complete the form and add a new sample.

    If there are samples, we can view and edit them:

    Mobile application:

    - Tap on the sample you want to preview to expand the sample information.

    - If you want to edit the sample, tap on the white "Edit" button - after this action a form with editable fields will appear.

    - If you want to delete a sample, tap on the black "Delete" button.

    Desktop application:

    - Click on an object on the map to open the identification window - To view samples for an object, click the samples icon: on the left side of the identification window.
    - If there are no samples for this object, the following message will appear:
    - Otherwise, the sample window will open, by default all samples will be collapsed. To expand a sample, click on this symbol: next to the sample name.

    It is possible to create sample reports - both for the field and desktop version, it is possible to send the report by e-mail, download it to the current device or both.

    3.14 User views

    Users can add so-called views. Each view has a unique name, extent of the map and selected layers. User with administrator rights can add a global view, visible to all users, by default, views are only available to the user who created them.

    To create a new view, click the "Add New View" button, then drag the map to the extent you want it to be stored in the new view, and give a name for the view. If you have administrator rights, you can check the "Set as global" option. This will bring up this view all users in this project.
    WARNING: if a global view previously existed for this project, it will be changed to normal view - only the view owner will have access to it.

    To switch between views, just click on the name of the view you want to move to the extent of the map. By clicking on the button with a pencil: we can edit the view - we can change the name, set a new position of the map, update layers for view, and delete the view.

    3.15 Road Reference

    The plugin allows the user to add objects to point and linear layers in relation to the road based on its reference number.
    To add such an object, click on the icon . Then a dialog box will appear.

    • Geometry type: Point
    • After selecting the geometry type, enter the reference number of the road and choose the target layer from the available list.

      Then press the "OK" button.

    • Geometry type: Line
    • For the "Line" geometry type, enter the start point, end point, and search radius. Then choose one of the available layers.
      NOTE! The default search radius is 380cm with the option to increase it to 1000cm. If the road is beyond the user-specified range, a message will be displayed.

      Then confirm with the "OK" button.
    After confirmation, the view will be set to the location where the object was added.

    3.16 Map printing

    To access the map printing tool, click on the printer icon in the top menu:
    The printing settings window will open, where you can give a title, description, choose a format, map scale, print resolution, and rotate the map by specifying the number of degrees. The user can adjust the map area for printing by clicking and holding the left mouse button on the light blue rounded corners.

    Additionally, the user can send the generated print to their email inbox.

    3.17 Context menu

    "Context Menu" for objects on the map is a set of tools that allow editing geometry, editing object attributes, or deleting the object from the map.
    It is also possible to select multiple objects using the "Select Geometry" tool, and then use the tools from the context menu.

    The menu for the object(s) can be opened in two ways:

    • from the map
      • editing a single object
      • by right-clicking on the map where the object is located

        As shown in the above screenshot, hovering over the object identifier highlights which object the action will apply to.

      • editing multiple objects
      • to edit multiple objects, select the objects using

        then right-click where one of the selected objects is located

        As shown in the above screenshot, selecting a layer with selected objects displays the number of selected objects.

    • from the attribute table
      To select multiple objects, hold down the "Ctrl" key while selecting objects.
      To select a range of objects, select one, then hold down the "Shift" key and select another object (all objects in between will be selected).

      • editing a single object
      • by right-clicking on the object visible in the attribute table

      • editing multiple objects
      • by right-clicking where one of the selected objects is located

    Below is a table presenting the tools from the context menu:

    RigelMap - Context Menu

    Tool Name Geometry Multi
    Desktop Mobile Output
    Icon Tool Description
    Edit Vertices x x x Allows editing the vertices of the selected object
    Edit Attributes x Allows editing the attributes of the selected object
    Delete Object x Deletes the object
    (confirmation required)
    Object Buffer x x Creates a buffer of the specified number of meters
    (sides: left / right)
    Generate Triangles x Creates triangles from the selected object to create a triangular model
    (at least 3 vertices required!)
    Generate Profile x x Creates a profile with the specified distance range,
    also considering the starting length
    Line from Polygon x x Creates a line from a polygon
    (to the help layer)
    Common Points x x Finds common points for selected objects
    (2 objects required)
    Line Extension x x Extends the line by the specified number of meters and direction
    (possible directions: start / end)
    Parallel Line x x Creates parallel lines by the specified distance in meters on the given side
    (possible sides: left / right)
    Find Intersection Point x x Generates intersection points in the help layer
    (at least 2 lines required)
    Polygon from Line x x Creates a polygon from a line
    (to the help layer)
    Change Line Direction x x Reverses the direction of the selected lines
    Export to x Exports the selected object to one of the available formats
    Copy to Layer x Copies the selected object to another selected layer
    Move to Layer x Moves the selected object to another selected layer.
    (objects from the moved layer disappear!)
    Split by Point x x x Splits the selected linear object
    (by creating linear geometry)
    Extract Vertices x Extracts vertices from a line or polygon and saves them as points
    Change Vertex Height x Changes the height of each vertex of the given object
    Add Part x x x Adds a new part of the area to the existing one
    Add to Line x x x Adds a point to the newly created line
    Create Line x x x Creates a line from previously added points
    Go to x x x Show the distance, azimuth to the staked-out object
    (only when geolocation is enabled)
    Output Layer Selection
      - X - the layer to which the object belongs will be used.
      - X - the result of the operation will be saved in the help layer.

    3.17.1 Edit vertices

    From the list of available context menu tools, select "Edit Vertices" as shown in the example above.
    We can notice that when we click on the table rows - the selected vertex is shown.
    Additionally, after making any changes, the result will be shown in the preview mode.

    If you are satisfied with the changes, click "Save".

    3.17.2 Edit attributes

    From the list of available tools in the context menu, select "Edit Attributes", as shown in the example above.
    As a result, a window with a form will be displayed. Edit the fields that interest you, then click "Save".

    3.17.3 Delete object

    Select "Delete Object" from the list of available tools, as shown in the example above.
    A confirmation message will appear at the top of the screen, click "OK" to delete the object.

    3.17.4 Object Buffer

    To create an object buffer, you need to create an object on the map. Then, open the objects context menu by right-clicking on it and select the "Object Buffer" option.
    After selecting this option, a dialog window will appear where you need to enter the buffer value (in meters).
    For multiple objects, there is an option to merge the results into a single object. To activate this, check the corresponding box in the dialog window and click OK.

    3.17.5 Generate Triangles

    To generate triangles, you must first create an object/objects on the map.
    Then, open the context menu on the created object by right-clicking on it and select the option Generate Triangles.
    Did you know? The generated triangles can be saved in a special TIN layer: Triangular Irregular Network (TIN)

    Note! Triangle generation is possible from any type of geometry, but you must select at least three objects, and in the case of a line, it must have at least three vertices.

    It is also possible to create a new TIN layer while generating triangles for selected objects by choosing the option "Triangular Irregular Network (new layer)".

    A dialog will appear, allowing you to enter a layer name and select the group in which the layer will be created. After clicking the "Add" button, a new layer will be created, and the generated triangles will automatically be added to it.

    3.17.6 Generate Profile

    To generate a profile, right-click on the created object and open the context menu.
    Then select the option Generate Profile. In the dialog box, provide parameters such as density (how often the profile should be generated in meters) and start generation (the distance from the beginning of the geometry where the first profile should be located).
    After configuring, click the OK button.

    3.17.7 Line from Polygon

    To generate a line from a polygon, first create a polygon on the map.
    Then open the context menu and select the option Line from polygon.

    3.17.8 Common Points

    To generate common points, select the geometries. Then right-click to open the context menu and select the option Common Points.

    3.17.9 Line Extension

    To extend a line, create a geometry from the line layer on the map. Then, in the context menu, select the option Line Extension.
    A dialog box will appear. In the dialog box, enter the distance by which the line should be extended and check the direction field.
    After clicking the OK button, the line will be extended according to the provided parameters.

    3.17.10 Parallel Line

    To create a parallel line, you need to create an object from the linear layer. Then, right-click and select Parallel Line from the context menu. A dialog box will appear, where you should specify the distance (in meters) from the object and the side on which the line should be created. After clicking the OK button, the line will be generated.

    3.17.11 Find Intersection Point

    To find an intersection point for lines, select two lines and open the context menu. Then choose the option Find Intersection Point.

    3.17.12 Polygon from Line

    To generate a polygon from a line, create a polygon on the map.
    Then open the context menu and select the option Polygon from Line.

    3.17.13 Change Line Direction

    To change the direction of a line, select the lines on the map and open the context menu. Then choose Change Direction from the available options.

    3.17.14 Export to

    This tool allows you to export the selected object/objects to one of the available formats at the map level and object selection. To export an object/objects, select them with the selection tool or right-click on a specific object, then choose the Export to... option from the context menu.

    An export dialog will appear where you need to configure the settings and then confirm with the Ok button.
    More about exporting in Data Export.

    3.17.15 Copy to Layer

    To copy an object to a layer, right-click on the object and select "Copy to layer". Then, click on the target layer.

    If you have multiple objects, select the objects and follow the instructions below.

    3.17.16 Move to Layer

    To move an object to a layer, right-click on the object. Then select the "Move to layer" option and click on the target layer.

    NOTE! After moving objects, some attributes may be lost!
    This depends on the type of layer being moved and the destination layer.

    3.17.17 Split by Point

    To split a line by a point, select the Split by point option from the context menu. Then, in the chosen location, split the line by clicking again.

    3.17.18 Extract Vertices

    This tool allows you to extract vertices to a user-selected point layer. To extract vertices, select Extract vertices from the context menu, then choose the target group and layer from the list.

    3.17.19 Change Height (vertices)

    Height change allows increasing the height of objects/vertices of an object by a given value. To change the height, select Change height from the context menu, and then enter the appropriate value in the dialog box.

    3.18 Photo objects

    So that all objects depicting photos are marked with .
    There are three types of photo objects:

  • Without location and angle of rotation:

  • With location but no angle of rotation:

  • With location and angle of rotation:

  • More information in 4.6.2

    3.19 Importer

    "Importer" is a tool that allows you to import layers into RigelMap. Currently supported file formats:

    • DXF
    • PQIDAT
    • CSV
    • GML
    • KOF
    • TXT
    • SOSI
    To start the "Importer" plugin, press the button: .
    The following window will appear on the screen:

    There are two methods to add files to the importer:
    • Through the file explorer,
    • drag and drop.

    After placing the file in the importer, a list of layers from the source and import configuration options will be displayed (configuration options depend on the extension of the imported file). The configuration that applies to each extension is the selection of the coordinate system and "Add to documents".
    After selecting the option "Add to documents", the imported file will be saved in the projects document center.
    Clicking the arrow will expand the list of coordinate systems to choose from. After selecting a projection, the user can check if the projection is correct by clicking the Show extent button.
    More information about available coordinate systems can be found in Data Export.
    Note! Intelligent filtering - when enabled, only systems that cover the data extent will be presented.

    3.19.1 DXF

      - Whether the file should be imported as a single layer (this option is required if the file contains more than 10 layers)
      - Choose the file coordinate system and check the file extent in the selected coordinate system (click the "Show extent" button and then choose the coordinate system)
      - Choose the layers to be imported and their geometry types
      - Choose the target group name
      - Scaling (optional) - this functionality allows the user to choose the scale units for the imported DXF file. Meters (default) and millimeters are available

    3.19.2 PQIDAT

      - Choose the target group name
      After clicking the "Import" button and the import operation is successfully completed, the layers will appear in the tree:
      The PQIDAT files are imported from the PQI380. It imports information about all the readings from the gauge such as asphalt density, operator, compaction etc.
      The imported points are automatically assigned the road reference values from the NVDB API.

    3.19.3 CSV/TXT

      - Group - group to which the layer will be added,
      - Layer name - name of the layer in the workspace,
      - Delimiter (separator) - character or string of characters used to separate fragments of text in the given file,
      - Number of header rows to skip - number of header rows that will be skipped when importing the file,
      - First record has field names - data of the first record as field names.

      - and filtering options.

      - Choose the appropriate coordinate system for the file. To do this, in the X Coordinates and Y Coordinates fields, select the appropriate parameter from the list of available options.

      - "Show range" - After setting the coordinates, the "Show range" option will be unlocked. Click on it to display a yellow field as shown in the picture below.

      - Display object preview - click on the magnifying glass icon in the table below.

      - An icon in green means that the object is displayed in the preview, while a gray one means that the object is invisible.

      - Choose the target group for the imported layer. When expanding the selection field, the available groups will appear. Before importing, you can add a new group by clicking on the plus icon.

      After configuring the file, click the "Import" button

      The layer will be added to the tree and the imported objects will be visible on the map.

    3.19.4 GML

    During the import of a GML file, objects are validated.
    If an error occurs during validation, the file cannot be imported.
    Information about validation errors is available in the report, which can be downloaded by clicking the "Download Report" button.
    If the GML schema for the imported file does not exist in the project, the file cannot be imported:
    If the file is successfully validated, a list of available layers for import will be displayed.

      - Choose the appropriate layers and available geometries

      - Choose the appropriate coordinate system. You can check whether the coordinate system is suitable for the file by clicking the "Show range" button.

      Then to import the layer, click "Import".

    3.19.5 KOF

      Browse available layers and their geometry types

      Add a layer to an existing layer. To select a layer to which we want to add a new one, expand the selection field and select the layer.

      Add a layer to an existing layer using the layer code - to do this, proceed as shown below.

      Choose the coordinate system (you can use the "Show range" option to check which coordinate system is suitable).

      After performing these operations, click the "Import" button. The objects will be added to the layer and will be visible on the map

    3.19.6 XML

      - Browse available layers and their geometry types
      - Add or skip 2D lines

      - Create additional layers based on codes.
      - Choose coordinate system (to check which coordinate system is suitable, you can use the "Show extent" option).
      - After performing these operations, click the "Import" button. Objects will be added to the layer and will be visible on the map.

    3.19.7 SOSI

      - Select the coordinate system (to check which coordinate system is appropriate, you can use the "Show extent" option).
      - Browse available layers and select those to be imported.
      - For SOSI, there can be a maximum of three layers:
      • Point
      • Line
      • Polygon

      - Choose the target group name.
      After completing these steps, click the "Import" button. New layers will be created in the specified group.

      The imported files appear as follows:

      The layer name corresponds to the imported file name, with the suffix "_sos" added, along with the label [SOSI] placed after the layer name.

    3.20 Export data

    The Export tool allows quick saving of data to the chosen format.
    The available export formats are presented in the table below:

    Export formats for groups, layers, and objects.

    Geometry Context Menu/
    Attribute Table

    Layer Tree

    Layer Types Countries
    Single Object/
    Selected Objects
    Basic User CSV DXF GML Photos LandXML PQIDAT SHP CMP
    DXF .dxf    
    SHP .shp [zip]    
    GeoJSON .json   x    
    KML .kml x    
    KOF .kof   x x x x x x x x
    LandXML .xml      
    GML .gml      
    geoPackage .gpkg      
    Excel .xlsx   x    
    SQLite .sqlite      
    GPX .gpx       
    SOSI .sos  
    CSV .csv   x    
    Data export can be performed for an entire catalog, a single layer from the layer tree level, or for an object/selected objects from the attribute table/map level.
    To do this, right-click on the group/layer, then select export data from the context menu. In the case of objects, select the target export format from the selection. A configuration window will appear with the option to choose the coordinate system and range for which the data will be exported (range selection is only possible from the layer tree level).
    Attention! For Excel and CSV formats, polygon and line geometries will be exported in WKT (Well-known Text) format.

    To export data, right-click on the group/layer/object and select:
  • Export groups

  • Export layers

  • Export objects using selection

  • Export objects from the attribute table level

  • Export objects using object filtering.

  • Then a configuration window will be displayed where the user can adjust:
  • Export format - the format to which the data will be exported,
  • CRS - the selected coordinate system in which the data will be saved,

    1. For Poland:.
      • from PL 1965/1 - to PL 1965/5
      • from PL 2000/5 - to PL 2000/8
      • PL 1992
      • PL 1965/4 (Drezdenko)
      • WGS84

    2. For Norway:.
      • from ETRS89 / NTM zone 5 - to ETRS89 / NTM zone 30
      • from EUREF89 UTM zone 31 - to EUREF89 UTM zone 36

    3. For Sweden:.
      • SWEREF99 TM

    4. For Finland:.
      • ESTR89/UTM zone 34N(N-E)
      • ESTR89/UTM zone 36N (N-E)
      • ESTR89/TM35FIN(E,N)
  • Extent settings - the user can choose from the available options:
    • - Use the current map extent - the operation will be performed on the area currently displayed in the window, according to the current zoom level and map position,
      - Use the group extent - the operation will be performed according to the area that encompasses all objects in the layer group,
  • Columns - the user has the option to select columns for export from a dropdown list by clicking on the columns field and then selecting the fields to export.
    (by default, all columns are selected)

  • Attention! Additional settings will be required for the Land XML and SOSI formats.

    1. For Land XML format
  • "Add TIN" - the exported data will include a 3D model with a triangular mesh,
  • "Only TIN" - the exported data will only include a 3D model with a triangular mesh (this feature will be unlocked after selecting the "Add TIN" checkbox),

  • Color Format - exported data will include information about object colors in the selected format: (only for DXF and excavator data)
    • RGBA - the exported data will include only the 3D model with a triangular mesh (this feature will be unlocked after selecting the "Add TIN" option),
    • AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) - the exported data will include only the 3D model with a triangular mesh (this feature will be unlocked after selecting the "Add TIN" option),

    NOTE! The exported LandXML file with data will be saved in the document panel, but it will not be downloaded to the device.

    2. For SOSI format
    For the attributes: Measurement Method, Visibility, and H-Measurement Method - the user fills in the attribute by selecting the appropriate option from the dropdown list. The user can use text filtering by entering a phrase.

    Measurement Method - The measurement method used in the data. This could include methods for measuring distances, angles, areas, etc.
    Accuracy - the accuracy of measurements. This may include coordinate precision and other information regarding data accuracy.
    Visibility - Indicates the visibility or accessibility of data. This can refer to whether a layer or object is visible or hidden.
    H-Measurement Method - pertains to the measurement method for heights (e.g., elevation measurement method or other methods related to heights).
    H-Accuracy - accuracy of elevation data.
    Owner - information about the data owner or the organization responsible for the data.
    Producer - information about the data producer or source.

    3.21 WMS Layer Handling

    The WMS Layer Management tool allows users to add, customize, and manage data from WMS services. Users can easily:

  • Add WMS layers to the project by selecting sources and specific layers,
  • Update WMS layer data and keep it synchronized with the server,
  • Modify the display order of layers,
  • Identify objects on WMS layers to obtain detailed information,
  • Remove unnecessary WMS layers,
  • Efficiently manage multiple WMS sources within one project, providing flexibility in using various geospatial data sources.

  • 3.21.1 Adding WMS Layers

    To add WMS layers to the project, click on the plus icon in the layer tree menu and select Add WMS Layers.

    Next, enter the URL in the field with the source link and click the Connect button.

    It will establish a connection to the service, and a window with available layers will open. The window offers four options:

  • Select All - clicking this will select all available layers,
  • Add - clicking this will add the selected layers as separate layers,
  • Add as One - clicking this will add the selected layers as one layer,
  • Cancel - clicking this will close the layer window.

  • When selecting Add as One, a window for naming the layer will appear.

    Enter the name and click the Save button.

    The added layers will be saved in the layer tree and visible on the map canvas.

    3.21.2 Managing WMS Layers

  • To change the name of a layer, right-click on the layer in the layer tree and select the "Rename" option.

  • A window for renaming will appear.

    Enter the new layer name and click the Save button.

  • To remove a layer, select the Remove Layer option from the right-click menu on the layer.

  • A confirmation window will appear. Confirm the removal by clicking "Yes."
    The layer tree allows the user to delete multiple WMS layers simultaneously. To do this, you should select the layers:
  • by holding down the CTRL key

  • by holding down the SHIFT key

  • 3.21.3 Object Identification

    The identification tool allows users to utilize geospatial data provided by WMS services.
    To identify objects, set the layer as active. Then, select the identification tool (for more information, refer to Object identification) and click on the map.

    3.22 Permalink

    Permalink allows sharing the view of a project with currently selected layers. To generate a permalink, click on the icon.
    Then, a window with a link to the view will be opened.

    After clicking the "Copy" button, the link will be copied, and clicking on the link will redirect the user to the view.

    3.23 Project settings in application

    To open the Projects tab in the work field, select the pencil icon in the top left corner.

    A window will open where you can manage project editing, NVDB settings, Datafangst settings, and choose the default layer.

    All changes will be saved after clicking Save button. In addition, for the correct operation of the application, recommended is refreshing the page - click the "YES" button.

    3.24 User settings in application

    To access the user account settings in the application field, click on the user name or cogwheel logo in the top left corner of the screen.
    A window with settings will open, divided into two tabs. The first tab contains the same settings as in point 2.1.1
    In the second tab, you can manage the GIS portal settings. More details can be found in point GIS Portal Settings
    All changes will be saved after clicking Save. In addition, to ensure proper operation of the application, recommended is refreshing the page.

    3.25 Handling and managing GML layers

    RigelMap offers full support for GML layers, which means that users can import, export, and edit GML data conveniently and efficiently. Users can freely import GML layers, create new GML layers, and also export existing layers to this format.

    3.25.1 Adding GML layers to the project

    To add a GML layer, open the GML layer addition window. To do this, click the plus sign in the layer tree and select Add GML Layers
    A window will appear where you need to select one of the available GML schemas.
    After selecting a schema, the available layers for the chosen schema will be displayed on the right side. Select the layers, enter a group name, and then click the Add Layers button.
    NOTE! To select all layers, you can use the Select All button.

    The added layers will be placed in the layer tree under a group with the name provided by the user.

    3.25.2 Managing GML layers

    When you right-click on a GML group, the available options will be displayed:

  • GML Schema Information - This option displays information about the GML schema of the group.
  • Generate GML File - This option generates a GML file based on the contents of the group. - Generating a GML File.
  • Export Data - This option exports data from the group to a GML file. If multiple layers are exported, the data will be compressed into a .zip file.
  • Generate Measurement Report - This option generates a measurement report based on the objects in the group. The report can include various information such as dimensions, areas, distances, etc., depending on the object types in the group.
  • Rename - This option allows you to change the name of the GML group. When selected, a text field appears where you can enter a new name for the group. After confirming, the group name will be updated.
  • Delete Group - This option deletes the selected GML group from the layer tree. Before deleting, a confirmation prompt will be displayed to ensure you want to proceed. After confirmation, the group will be permanently deleted.

  • However, when you right-click on a GML layer, the same options as for other layer types will be available.

    3.25.3 Generating GML File

    The GML file generation function allows saving all validated objects from a selected GML group into a single file. The generated file can be imported into RigelMap, provided that the schema of the generated GML file is available in the target project.
    To generate the file, right-click on the [GML] group and select the "Generate GML File" option.

    Next, select the appropriate coordinate reference system (CRS) in which the file will be saved and click the "OK" button.

    Once confirmed, the file will be generated and automatically downloaded to the device.

    This file can then be easily imported into RigelMap.
    Note! Non-validated objects will not be included in the file.

    3.26 Image Report

    The image report allows you to generate a report of all objects containing photos and within the map extent with one click. To generate a report, click the icon . The report will then be automatically downloaded to your device in PDF format.
    Note! If the extent is greater than 1:200000, a message will be displayed about the possible longer time needed to generate the report. .
    The generated report includes project information and all objects (one per page) along with their properties, photo, and assigned attributes.
    Project Information:

    • Company Name: The name of the company that generated the report.
    • Project Number: A unique identifier assigned to the project.
    • Project Name: The name of the project being reported.
    • Coordinate System (CRS): The coordinate system used in the project.
    • Vertical System: The vertical system used in the project.
    • Creation Date: The date the report was created.
    • Created by: The email address of the person who created the report.
    • Generated in: The software or system used to generate the report.
    Object Information
    • Object Name: The name assigned to the object.
    • Object Code: The identification code of the object.
    • Object Type: The type or category of the object.
    • Description: A description of the object.
    • Object Coordinates: The exact geographic coordinates of the object (X and Y).
    • Object Height: The height of the object above sea level.
    • Created by: The email address of the person who created the object.
    • Creation Date: The date and time the report was created.
    Note! For objects whose source geometry is other than a point, the object's coordinates and height are interpolated.

    3.27 Attachment of image/document

    By clicking "Add file.." the user will be able to add an image/document to the object. However, if the same file is to be added to multiple objects, select the "Link to file" option.

    3.28 Triangular Mesh (TIN)

    The [TIN] layer is a special layer that represents the terrain surface using a triangular mesh. This layer can store only triangles (surfaces).
    The TIN layer can be created from the layer tree (the layer will be empty) or by using the "Generate Triangles" tool.
    More in Generate Triangles

    • 1. Creating a new layer (without objects) - layer tree

    • 2. Generating a triangular mesh for a new layer - context menu

    • You need to specify the name of the new layer:

      The generated triangles will be automatically added to the newly created layer:

    • 3. Generating a triangular mesh for an existing layer - context menu

    • If the model is successfully validated, the generated objects will be automatically saved in the selected layer, and the user will see a confirmation message.

      Warning! If the system detects an intersection with an existing model during triangle generation, the user will have to decide whether to proceed with the operation. A message will appear with an option to choose: Yes/No.

    3.29 Measurement Report

    To generate a measurement report, right-click on a group in the layer tree and select the option "Generate Measurement Report".

    A configuration form will appear, allowing customization of the report.

    In the "Layers" section, you can specify whether the report should include all objects in the selected group or only those currently selected.
    In the "Extent" section, you can decide whether the report should be generated based on the currently visible area of the map or cover the full extent of all objects in the groups layers.

    Additionally, at the bottom of the window, you can select the coordinate system in which the measurement data will be saved. The default selection is the project coordinate system, which can be changed via the dropdown list.
    After confirming the settings by clicking "OK", RigelMap will generate a measurement report containing various data such as dimensions, areas, or distances, depending on the characteristics of the objects.

    The generated report looks as follows:
    (this is just an example!)

    If you choose to cancel the report generation, simply close the dialog window by clicking "Cancel".

    Note! If the selected layers do not contain objects within the specified extent, the report will not be generated, and the user will see a corresponding message!

    This function is especially useful in situations requiring precise geodetic or engineering analysis, enabling the export of measurements in a well-defined reference system.

    3.30 Volume Calculation (3D)

    Volume calculation is a tool that allows calculating earth masses using the "model to model" method and presenting the results of fill and cut volumes in cubic meters (m³). To calculate the volume of earth masses and then generate a volume report, enable the tool: "Volume Calculation" - by clicking the icon in the top toolbar. After clicking, a new dockable window will appear, divided into two parts: 3D map view and volume calculation.

    . This tool requires:

    • an active plugin: volumeCalculation
    • TIN models: two TIN layers
      • Base model - the initial state from which volume changes will be calculated - represents the existing terrain surface before earthwork begins.
      • Target model - the terrain state after earthwork is completed - represents the final terrain surface after earthwork.
    At the top of the 3D map view, there are two buttons: 2D/3D and the WMS background layer button.

    If the 2D/3D button is active, it means that the 3D map view is synchronized with the 2D map view. That is, the 3D map follows the 2D map view (not the other way around!).

    If the background layer button is active, the 3D map view will display the WMS background map.

    If the background layer button is inactive, the background will be black.

    To perform earth mass volume calculations, select the base model and target model, then click the Calculate button.

    Based on the model-to-model comparison, the values for Fill and Cut are calculated:
    • Fill - represents the volume of the target model above the base model.
    • Cut - represents the volume of the target model below the base model.

  • Generating a volume report
  • To generate a volume report, you must first calculate the volume, then properly adjust the 3D map view since the exported view will be in the same projection.
    After clicking the Generate Report button, the report will be generated and downloaded to the device.

    The generated report is formatted for A4 printing.

    4. RigelMap mobile

    A set of tools and functions designed for fieldwork. It has full synchronization with the desktop version and GIS portal.

    4.1 Starting and logging into RigelMap

    To begin working with RigelMap in the field, open the RigelMap app on your mobile device by clicking the icon (the app is available on Google Play), and then log in to the GIS portal. To log in, you must enter the username and password assigned to the user.

    NOTE! If the user does not have an account, contact support.

    To select the antenna, click on the icon in the black field at the bottom of the screen. Then select the antenna you have. This will open the connection settings for the selected antenna. Connection procedures may vary depending on the antenna and are described in the following sections.

    4.2 Device list and configuration

    In RigelMap mobile, there are 3 types of devices, distinguished by selection method and icon:

    • Bluetooth devices - devices that connect using the RigelMap app.
    • Machines - (described in chapter 6. Machines)
    • Other devices - devices that connect via the provider's app (or using the mobile device's local GPS)

    The devices tab can be divided into three sections:
    • left: device image
    • middle: device name with additional information
    • right: connection button with connection status

    Pressing the center of the tab will expand the view of the device card.
    • Machine cards are described in chapter Machines
    • Device cards are described in chapters corresponding to the device's name.

    Setting the Antenna Height

    To set the antenna height for a specific device, expand the device card and, from the card, click on the card and select the "Set Antenna Height" option, or click on the antenna height icon. . (the selected height will be assigned to the device from the card)

    A dialog will appear where the antenna height should be entered in CM. To confirm the changes, click on "Save".
    The user can also set the antenna height from the project level, but only if the location and device are active.

    Note! When using other devices, set the antenna height to 0.0 m in the provider's app, as the user sets the antenna height within the RigelMap mobile app.

    4.2.1 RigelMap i73+/CHCNAV i73/i83

    To use this device in the mobile app, first turn on the GNSS antenna using the button on the antenna and connect to it via RigelMap.
    Then, select the bluetooth device to connect, choose the RTK correction source, and set the antenna height.
    To do this, expand the device card view by clicking on the tab, as shown in the animation below.

    Next, click on the card view to open the configuration menu:

    • Select device
    • - choose the device from the list of bluetooth devices
    • Select RTK source
    • - select the RTK correction source from the list of created NTRIP configurations
    • Set antenna height
    • - set the antenna height through the antenna height dialog

    Select Device

    After choosing: Select device, a list of available devices will be displayed:

    • within range (paired) - ready to connect immediately - device is on and nearby,
    • out of range (paired - not visible nearby) - connectable if the device is on and nearby,
    • pairing required (visible nearby - not paired) - can be connected after pairing with the device.
    You can also manually refresh the list by pressing "Refresh list".
    Once a device is selected, it will be assigned to the specific device card.

    Select RTK Correction Source

    When choosing: Select NTRIP, an NTRIP configuration list will be displayed:

    Once an RTK correction source is selected, it will be assigned to the device card, and if the receiver is connected to RigelMap, it will automatically connect to the selected RTK source.
    If there are no NTRIP configurations created in the app, they need to be created.

    RTK Correction Source Configuration

    When pressing , you will be directed to the NTRIP configuration list.

    To create a new configuration, press the "+" icon in the top-right corner - fill in the RTK correction source with the required details: ip, port, username, password - and select the appropriate correction point.

    To choose the correction point, you must enter the IP and PORT, press , and select the correct "Mountpoint" from the list.
    To save the configuration, press the floppy disk icon ("Save").

    Note! - configurations are stored in the RigelMap mobile app database - after uninstalling the app, configurations will be lost!

    To edit a configuration, click on the wrench icon, then save the configuration by clicking the floppy disk icon "Save".
    To delete a configuration, click on the trash icon and confirm the deletion.

    Set Antenna Height

    The antenna height is set through the antenna height dialog and is assigned to the device card.
    More on antenna height configuration: Antenna Height Settings

    Turning on the Device

    By pressing , the app will begin connecting to the selected receiver, and the connection status will be shown through updated data on the device card and information at the bottom of the screen.

    There are four connection statuses for the app with the antenna:
  • - not connected
  • - signal from receiver lost
  • - user disconnected from receiver
  • - receiver successfully connected to app
  • Additionally, a location icon with signal status will appear:
  • - no corrections
  • - receiving corrections
  • - position being adjusted
  • - position with corrections

  • IMU calibration

    The ability to perform IMU calibration is available after obtaining GPS status: .
    Then, an IMU status button will appear. By clicking the button
    a window will pop up with an animation showing the calibration process.

    Next, follow the instructions.
    After successful calibration, the status will be set to "In use".

    NOTE! Each press of the calibration button changes the IMU activity status.

    4.2.2 CHCNAV AT312

    Documentation coming soon!

    4.2.3 Hi-Target V100

    To connect to the antenna, click "Connect". Once connected, the accuracy (3D RMS) will improve to approximately 0.01-0.03m. When this is achieved, everything is ready, and you can proceed to the application and start measurements.

    4.2.4 Rigel GNX8

    Properly activated location for the "Rigel GNX8" device appears as follows:

    To activate the Rigel GNX8 device, click on the "Connect" button - this will open the GNSS Tools app.

    In the main menu, select "Device" and choose the antenna. The antenna is connected via Bluetooth. If there are any issues, ensure that "Bluetooth" is enabled and that the antenna is identifiable by the serial number printed on the underside. Once the correct device is found, select "Connect". To return to the main menu, click "Rover". Then, fill out the form and press "Connect" at the bottom of the screen.

    By selecting "Satellite" from the main menu, you can check the connection and the number of satellites. If the application is launched for the first time or the location differs greatly from the previous location, acquiring enough satellites may take some time. To proceed to the RigelMap measurement menu, click the "Back" button in the browser.

    4.2.5 Trimble R2

    Documentation coming soon!

    4.2.6 GeoMax

    The correctly activated location for the "GeoMax" device appears as follows:

    To activate the GeoMax device, click the "Connect" button.
    The antenna should be connected via cable to the device on which it is to be activated by the RigelMap application.

    4.2.7 LT700H RTK

    The correctly activated location for the "LT700 RTK" device appears as follows:

    To activate the LT700H RTK device, click the "Connect" button - this will open the GNSS Tool application.

    In the main menu, select the appropriate device. To do this, click on "Connect".

    Then, for Device Type, select Local, and for Device ID, choose the LT700H device and press "Connect".

    The tablet should have a GNSS antenna attached, which is included with the LT700H RTK equipment.

    After successfully obtaining a position, return to the RigelMap application.

    4.2.8 LT800H RTK

    The correctly activated location for the "LT800H RTK" device appears as follows:

    To activate the LT800H RTK device, click the "Connect" button - this will open the Share Location application.

    In the main menu, select GNSS source - in this case, it will be LT800H RTK, for which configuration should be performed from the Share Location application.

    The tablet should have a GNSS antenna attached, which is included with the LT800H RTK equipment.

    After successfully obtaining a position, return to the RigelMap application.

    4.2.9 RigelMap TAB8R

    To activate the RigelMap TAB8R device, you must use the dedicated tablet with an integrated RTK module and attach the GNSS antenna, which is included with the tablet. Then, click the "connect" button to enable the device's location. A correctly activated location for the "RigelMap TAB8R" device looks as follows:

    Note! Only the dedicated tablet with a built-in GNSS module can use this position in the device list!

    Other devices will not be able to select this option for fieldwork.

    • Starting the Correction Stream
    For this device, it is possible to assign a predefined NTRIP configuration directly from the RigelMap mobile application, without leaving the app!
    To assign an NTRIP configuration, click on the expanded card, then select the "Choose NTRIP Configuration" option. Select the desired configuration from the available list.

    If the device location is active, a location status icon will appear. Click this icon to start the RTK correction stream for the selected configuration.

    4.2.10 Spectra SP60

    Documentation coming soon!

    4.2.11 Mobile device

    The correctly activated location for the "Mobile Device" appears as follows:

    To activate the Mobile Device, enable GPS location and click the "Connect" button.

    4.3 Project view

    4.3.1 Settings

    In the settings, the user has the ability to customize the application for work. Possible settings include:
    1. Map Settings
    • Tracking - the tracking function monitors and tracks the current position on the map.
    • Auto-rotate - changes the orientation of the map according to the direction you are moving.
    • Scale - displays the scale on the map.
    • Ask for photo angle - the application will ask for the angle at which the photo was taken.
    • Icon size - allows adjusting the size of icons in the application.
    • Coordinate system - specifies the coordinate system used for mapping.
    2. Measurement Settings
    • Retain form values - values entered in measurement forms will be retained.
    • Antenna height [m] - allows for more accurate position determination.
    • Stakeout prefix: prefix for stakeout used to mark field points.
    • Average value: This option allows calculating the average value during measurement.
    • Number of points (average value): Specifies the number of points considered when calculating the average measurement value.
    3. Tracking Settings
    • Accuracy threshold [cm] - Specifies the maximum allowable deviation during stakeout.

    4.3.2 Main menu

    The main menu allows the user to digitize objects on the map, identify them, and more.

    To open the menu, press the pencil icon, .
    To select a layer, click on the layers icon, and a window with a choice of layers in the group will appear:

    - After selecting the layer, the measuring tool will be automatically activated. To take a measurement, tap the button located above the pencil icon.

    WARNING: Not all features are available without location enabled!

    - Labels next to specific buttons show the currently selected layer/tool in square brackets. To change the layer/tool, tap the button.

    Changing tools:

    Tap the tools icon (may vary depending on the selected tool)
    Then select the tool.

    4.3.3 Unsaved data

    Unsaved data found on the mobile device
    Data that has not been sent to the RigelMap server is stored locally on the device and is assigned to a specific user and project. This means that upon re-entering the project for which the data was not sent, the user will be notified with an appropriate message:

    The message contains information about the data stored locally, along with a list of layers and objects for which the data was not sent to the server. This situation may occur if the user did not save the data for some reason (e.g., working offline, or other technical errors).

    Layers marked in red indicate that the layer does not exist in the current project.

    Note! Objects from these layers will be saved in the basic layers of the project.

    For each layer, in addition to the name and number of objects, detailed data regarding the objects are presented, including:

    • The creation time of the object.
    • Name and description (if available).
    • Number of points (for lines and surfaces).
    • Yes - save the data on the RigelMap server.
    • No - do not send data and do not delete data from the device. (the dialog will reappear upon re-entering the project)
    • No (Delete data) - the data will be permanently deleted from the device.

    This situation may occur in several typical cases, such as:
    • Loss of internet connection: if the device loses internet access, the data cannot be sent to the server.
    • App closure: unexpected app closure due to user action, operating system error, or device battery depletion. In such a case, the data remains stored locally until further processing.
    • Technical error on the app side: in rare cases, technical issues in the app may prevent data transmission to the server, e.g., due to layer synchronization errors or system problems. In such cases, please contact technical support
    In each of these situations, measurement data that was not sent to the server is temporarily stored locally in the device's memory. When the project is reopened, the user is notified of this situation via an appropriate message. At this stage, the user must decide whether the local data will be saved on the server or permanently deleted.
    This mechanism helps to avoid accidental loss of key data, ensuring full control over its saving and synchronization with the project.

    4.4 Layer tree

    To display the layer tree in the mobile application, tap on the layers icon:
    By default, all groups are collapsed. To expand a group, simply tap on it. If a group is already expanded, tapping on it will collapse it. Tapping on a layer will toggle its visibility.

    To change the order of layers, press the button: , which allows you to freely move layers and groups. While dragging layers/groups, a potential new position for the layer/group will be displayed. If the line suggesting the new position is green, it means that the layer/group can be placed there. Otherwise, if the position is impossible, the line will turn red.

    After making all the changes, if they need to be saved, press the save button: next to the "Layers" header.

    4.4.1 Adding layers

    Adding layers in the mobile application is done in the same way as in the desktop application. First, expand the menu by tapping this button:
    Then tap on an option

    A new dialog will appear on the screen where we can name the layer, select its type, visibility depending on the map scale, give it a label, style it and add object codes.

    After filling in all the required fields, click "OK". The added layer will be displayed in the layers tree.

    4.4.2 Adding groups

    Pull down the menu (as described in 3.4.1) and select

    A new dialog will appear on your screen where you need to enter a new group name.

    After naming the group, tap "OK". The added group will be displayed in the layer tree.

    4.4.3 Deleting layers/groups

    Select from the drop-down menu or

    In both cases, the layers/groups that can be deleted will be displayed on the right side. Select the layer/group to be deleted.

    WARNING: Groups that contain layers cannot be deleted! Delete all layers first so that you can delete the group.

    Confirm the deletion of the layer/group by clicking "Yes".

    4.4.4 Editing layers

    To edit a layer, select an option and tap on the layer you want to edit.

    As when adding layers, a window will pop up that allows you to change the label, style and codes of object.

    After editing the data for the layer, tap "OK" to save the changes.

    4.5 Custom Fields

    Managing custom fields is possible during the creation of a new layer and editing the layer style. To manage custom fields, select "Custom Fields." From this window, the user can add, delete, and edit fields. To add a new field, click "Add".

    In the "Field Name" field, provide a name, and in the "Field Type" field, select the type. Available field types include: text, number, list, relation, and logic.

    Each custom field type has the following properties:

    • Field Name - the name visible in the form and attribute table,
    • Field Type - the type of custom field,
    • Hide in staking mode - during staking in mobile mode, the attribute in the form will be hidden (even if required).
    For all field types except logic fields, there is also the property:
    • Required Field - when creating an object, all required fields must be filled in to save it.
    When adding objects, custom fields (depending on settings and tools used) are visible in the object form.

  • Custom Field Order
    • The display order of attributes (custom fields) in the form during object creation/editing corresponds to the settings configured in the "Custom Fields" section of a given layer.
    To change the order of custom fields from the layer creation/editing panel:
      1. Select the "Custom Fields" tab
      2. Press, drag, and drop the selected field to a new position
      3. Save changes

  • Required Field and Conditional Requirement
  • Warning! Custom fields marked as required must be filled in – otherwise, the user will not be able to save the object!
    In the form, required fields are highlighted in red.

    To configure the requirement for custom fields, check the Required Field option (during the custom field configuration) and set up the conditions.
    If the required field option is checked but no dependencies are set, the field will always be required.

    If a dependency is set, the requirement to fill in the field will depend on whether the specified conditions are met.

    Example - Configuration of the "Demo_test_ver_nr" Field
    The field "Demo_test_ver_nr" is configured as:
    • A numeric field
    • A required field (dependent on the value of another field)
    • The requirement depends on the value in the field Test_1
    • Required value: "test"

    When the specified condition is met, the field becomes mandatory to fill.

    If the option "Block editing for other values" is active, it means that the field will only be required if the condition is met. Otherwise, the field will be inactive, meaning the user will not be able to enter/select a value for this attribute.

    4.5.1 Text Field

    A text field allows the user to enter any text. Available configuration options include:

    • Required Field - the user must fill it in before saving.
    • Hide in staking mode - the field will not be visible in this mode.

    4.5.2 Number Field

    A number field is a field that will only accept numerical values. Available configuration options include:

    • Required Field - the user must fill it in before saving.
    • Hide in staking mode - the field will not be visible in staking mode.
    • Precision - the number of decimal places.
    • Minimum Value - the minimum allowable number.
    • Maximum Value - the maximum allowable number.

    4.5.3 List Field

    A list field allows selecting a value from a predefined list. Available configuration options include:

    • Required Field - the user must fill it in before saving.
    • Hide in staking mode - the field will not be visible in staking mode.
    • Set as default value - only one value can be set as default, and it will be automatically selected when adding an object.
    • Require photo - the option to require a photo for selected list items.
    • Filter in staking mode - filtering values available in staking mode.

    The user enters the name and sets the field as default.

    If the user sets another field as default, they will need to confirm their selection as only one default value can be set.

    Require photo
    If adding a photo is required for a selected option, the user will not be able to save the object until a photo is added.

    Filter in staking mode
    This involves filtering available values when using the staking function within the same layer.

    4.5.4 Relation Field

    A relation field allows selecting a value based on relationships with other objects. Available configuration options include:

    • Required Field - the user must fill it in before saving.
    • Hide in staking mode - the field will not be visible in staking mode.
    • Relation Layer - selected from the list of existing layers as the relation layer.
    • Value from field - the displayed value from the field for the found objects in the relation.
    • Number of returned objects - the maximum number of nearest objects that can be returned.
    • Distance threshold to object - the maximum distance of the nearest objects to the created point (up to 100 meters).
    • Automatically select the nearest object - selects the nearest object available in the list.

    Relation to found objects
    The user has the option to zoom in on the selected object from the list using the magnifying glass:

    This view is for preview only, and the user can return to the form by clicking "Return to form"

    If the layer contains a relation field, the tools: quick measurement and tracking will be disabled, and the icons will dim. When the user clicks on the tool icon, they will see a message in orange.

    4.5.5 Logic Field

    A logic field allows storing True or False values. Available configuration options include:

    • Default Value - the user must choose True or False, which will be automatically set when creating an object.
    • Hide in staking mode - the field will not be visible in staking mode.

    4.6 Measurement of objects

    To start measuring, place the pole in the correct position. Then tap on the on the screen. After taking the measurement, you need to enter the properties of the measured object.

  • Area - minimum of three measurements required

  • Line - minimum of two measurements required

  • Point - minimum of one measurement required
  • After taking the measurement, fill out the form and click on

    4.6.1 Prepare the measuring sequence

    To enable location, click , this will activate the location panel visibility, which will contain information such as:

  • Position in the selected coordinate system - East/North,
  • Height - provided in meters,
  • Quality - (CQ) provided in centimeters,
  • GPS Status - signal type,
  • NVDB - reference to the road,
  • Additional information,
  • Receiver height and battery level,
  • Receiver tilt and its status.

  • 4.6.2 Polygon / Area OFFSET

    To create points in a polygon/area where GPS signal is weak, e.g., near buildings, you need to measure two points (where GPS signal is available) indicating the direction in which the new point is to be created and then enter the distance from the second point to the new point (e.g., at the wall), and the function will create a point in the area. To use this function, follow these steps:

    1. Press the "OFFSET" button. Now the user is in "SHIFT" mode and should measure two points that determine the direction.

    2. Then measure the first point in the direction where the new area/polygon should be located.

    3. Measure the second point in the direction where the new point should be measured in the area/polygon. A line showing the direction will be displayed for a second.

    4. Then manually measure the distance from the second last measured point to the location where the new area/polygon point should be located. Enter the result and press "Create Point".
    HINT: If the user is aiming at a wall, they can use a laser meter.

    5. A new point in the area/polygon has now been created.

    4.6.3 Quick photo

    This feature allows you to quickly and easily save images with position and description. To use this function, follow these steps:

    1. Press the camera button:

    2. Enter a description (optional). Then press OK.

    3. The position has been saved, and you can freely move and take photos with the camera. After finishing, it will be saved in RigelMap and displayed with an image symbol on the map:
    For linear and polygon layers, the user has the option to add a rotation angle relative to other objects. To enable "photo angle," go to settings and switch it on.

    Then choose the appropriate layer and press the camera icon.

    4.6.4 Quick Measurement

    This feature allows you to quickly measure point objects. The user sets the attributes for all measured points, so he is not asked to enter them when digitizing a single point.

    To start the "Quick Measure" mode, tap on this icon:
    A standard window with a form will appear on the screen, just like in the case of regular adding of objects.

    Fill in the properties you are interested in, then click "Set Attributes".
    If the icon turns green, it means that "Quick Measure" has been turned on. From now on, all measured points will have the attributes you've set.

    WARNING: If there is a digit at the end of the name, it will be incremented by 1.

    To turn off the "Quick Measure" mode, again - just tap this icon

    4.6.5 Files and photos

    To add files to objects, you need to create an object using:

    , or edit an object from the object identification level. Then, in the form, select the Select file option and choose the file source.

    Once selected, the file will be added to the object.
    If the file format is JPEG/JPG, the user has the option to compress the photo by selecting one of the available compression levels.

    If the user checks Remember my choice, the selected compression will be set as the default photo compression level, and subsequent photos will be automatically compressed before sending. The default photo compression applies to the specific user and is active within that user's session.
    After selecting the compression level, a status with the data compression progress will be displayed.

    Changing or disabling the default compression level is possible in the user settings:
    After the process is complete, the compressed photo will be added to the object.
    If 100% photo quality was selected, the original photo will be sent.

    Note! In conditions with poor internet access, it is recommended to set the maximum compression level (25%).
    However, the compression level should be adjusted according to your preferences.

    4.6.6 Geoid

    During field digitization, the RigelMap system automatically retrieves the latest geoid data based on the current location. The data is obtained from the height reference system that was defined when creating the project.

    The height reference system is also visible in the project list:

    Note! Geoid data requires internet access!

    After completing the measurement, an attribute input form will open (Quick Measurement and some layers do not display a form after measurement completion).

  • No geoid information
  • - for point objects
      - If the created point does not have geoid information, an error message about geoid retrieval failure will appear at the top of the form.

    To retry geoid data retrieval, click the icon with two arrows next to the error message. If the data retrieval is successful, the height will be updated and displayed in the appropriate reference system.

    - for line and polygon objects
      - If the created object has at least one vertex without geoid information, a message will appear at the top of the form indicating the number of objects without correction and providing an option to refresh the data.

    If the data retrieval is successful, the error message will disappear.

    When refreshing geoid data for lines and polygons, all vertices with missing data will be updated with corrections based on their respective positions.

    4.6.7 Save Form Values

    This setting allows the user to remember entered values in the form while adding an object.
    When adding the next object, the form is automatically filled with attributes from the previous object.
    To enable remembering the last form values, go to measurement settings in the mobile application and enable "Remember Form Values".

    Note! Attribute values are remembered only within the same layer!

    For the field "Name", there are several options for auto-filling data:

    • Normal Digitization
    • - If the attribute Name ends with a number, it is incremented with each new object.
      - The last saved values are automatically filled in the new form.

    • Quick Measurement
    • - If the attribute Name ends with a number, it is incremented with each new object.
      - The last saved values are automatically filled in the new form.
      - The form for the digitized object does not appear in this mode.

    • Stakeout
    • - In this mode, the application does not increment the numerical value!
      - The application sets the "Name" field to the stakeout prefix configured in the mobile application measurement settings.
        - and the name of the staked object, prefixed with "_".
      - The last saved values are automatically filled in the new form (except for the Name field).
      - In this mode, the value in the Name field is an attribute that is not remembered – it is automatically created based on the staked object and the configured stakeout prefix.

    • Stakeout with Quick Measurement
    • - In this mode, the application does not increment the numerical value!
      - The application sets the "Name" field to the stakeout prefix configured in the mobile application measurement settings.
        - and the name of the staked object, prefixed with "_".
      - The last saved values are automatically filled in the new form (except for the Name field).
      - The form for the digitized object does not appear in this mode.
      - In the stakeout mode with quick measurement, the user cannot change the value for the Name field – this value is created based on the staked object and the configured stakeout prefix.

    4.7 Identification

    The identification tool allows previewing information about the selected object.

    4.7.1 Object identyfication

    If you want to identify objects near your current location, follow these steps:

    - Enable the position if you haven't already done so by selecting
    - Then open the main menu by tapping the pencil icon and select

    The results panel will appear on the right.

    4.7.2 Object identyfication for WMS layers

    To identify objects from external WMS layers, add a WMS layer to the project.
    Learn more about adding WMS layers in Adding WMS Layers.
    If the layer visible on map, click on the map at the desired location. Then, an "Information" panel with layers and their objects will be displayed. Clicking on the plus icon next to the selected object will expand the list of attributes for that object.

    4.8 Stakeout

    In RigelMap, the user has the ability to stake out existing objects. Simply select the point feature from the list or search for it on the map.

    4.8.1 Staking a point

    1. After selecting the point feature, there is also the option to manually enter the coordinates of the point.
    2. Then select the antenna height, antenna type, and coordinate system as described in 3.3.1.
    3. Next, click on the map image to return to the map. To activate the position, click
    4. After selecting the point to stake out, the properties screen will appear with a "Go to" button.
    5. After selecting it, a highlighted box with text will appear in the lower left corner of the screen "Low accuracy!" if you have accuracy> 5 cm or green ,if the accuracy is <5 cm. The point name, distance in meters to the selected point, direction in degrees to the point, and height difference (∆H) are displayed in the same window.
    6. At the same time, a single black line with an arrow is displayed on the map to the selected point. As the user moves, the values will change as they get closer or further away from the selected point. A good practice is to end the stakeout by measuring a new point as documentation, which can be evaluated later, if necessary.

    4.8.2 Staking a line

    To stakeout to a line, hold down on the object and select Stakeout from the context menu.

    The selected object/segment will be highlighted in green, and a black arrow will indicate the nearest distance to the edge of the object. Information about the distance from our location is displayed at the starting and ending vertices of the segment.

    Warning! In situations where the user is positioned outside the object in a way that prevents interpolation of their position onto the object segment at a right angle, the beginning and end of the line will be enhanced with pink help lines. In such cases, the distance to these help lines is displayed.

    help lines can be toggled on/off by pressing the icon as shown in the image.
    To finish the stakeout, press the flag icon in the bottom left corner of the screen.

    4.8.3 Staking a polygon

    When staking out to a polygon, the procedure is the same as when staking out to points and lines.
    If the user is outside the object, its outline will be highlighted in red and a black arrow will indicate the way from the users location to the nearest edge.

    If the user is inside the object, the nearest edge will be highlighted in green.

    During stakeout, the following information is displayed in the information panel:

  • Layer name,
  • distance from the nearest edge,
  • azimuth,
  • height.
  • To finish stakeout, click on the flag icon in the bottom left corner of the screen.

    4.8.4 Staking a surface (TIN)

    When staking out a TIN surface, the user stakes out the entire model rather than a single object, as in normal staking.
    TIN surface staking is available from the Context Menu and via object identification.
    Context Menu


    During staking, the user's current position obtained from the GNSS receiver is compared with the 3D terrain model, providing information about the height difference, known as "delta height".

    If the user is outside the model, the "delta height" will not be available.

  • Staking Height Tolerance to the Model
  • To configure height tolerance, press the "gear" button located below the staking panel.

    In the staking configuration panel, you can set the allowable staking tolerance: above and below the model.

    Additional information is available by clicking the information icon in the staking settings.

    During model staking, the staking panel provides additional information about the current height difference relative to the model. If the current staking position is within the tolerance range of the height difference, the symbol and tolerance will be green. If the height difference is outside the tolerance range, the symbol will be black, while the tolerance information will be displayed in red.

    For the example below, the tolerance is:
    • Up to 5 cm below the model
    • Up to 3 cm above the model

    Height Difference Above Tolerance

    Height Difference Within Tolerance

    Height Difference Below Tolerance

    To complete the staking process, press the flag icon in the bottom left corner of the screen.

    4.9 Adding features

    RigelMap application allows manually adding objects to layers of any type of geometry without the need for a GPS antenna.

    4.9.1 Points

    To create a point, select a point layer from the list of available layers.

    Then, click on the map where the object should be placed. After clicking, an information panel with the Add button will appear.

    After clicking the "Add" button, a form with object fields will be displayed.

    After filling up the form, confirm with the Save button.

    4.9.2 Lines

    To add an object to a linear layer, select a layer from the list of available layers.

    Then, click on the map where the starting vertex should be and click Add on the information panel. Repeat this for each subsequent vertex.

    To finish and save the created line, click on the floppy disk icon.

    4.9.3 Polygons

    To add an object to a polygonal layer, select a layer from the list of available layers.

    Then, click on the map where the vertex should be created and click Add on the information panel. Repeat this for each subsequent vertex.

    To save the object, click on the floppy disk icon.

    4.10 Map printing

    To go to the map printing tool, pull down the tools menu, and then select:
    A yellow rectangle which defines the print range of the map will appear on the screen.
    In the upper left corner of the print range there is a name of the selected print template, and in the lower right corner there is currently selected scale.

    Changing the template

    To change the template, just select:
    A dialog box with the option to select a print template will appear on the screen.

    Select the template and tap

    Changing the scale

    To change the scale, just select the button labeled "Scale":
    (The inscription on the button will show the scale selected so far)

    A dialog box with the option to select a scale will appear on the screen.

    Select scale and tap

    Print settings

    To open the print settings window, tap on this icon:
    A dialog box will pop up on the screen where you can set:
    • Title
    • Description
    • Print resolution (dpi)
    • Map rotation (in degrees)
    • Access method (download/send to e-mail)

    After filling in the fields, click the "OK" button. Now set the print range to the desired position by dragging the yellow rectangle.

    Then clicking the button: you will perform the map printing operation.

    If you chose the download option, the file will be downloaded to your device. If you chose e-mail access option, it will be sent to your mailbox. It is also possible to check both of these options - then the printout will be both downloaded to your device and sent via e-mail to your mailbox.

    Additionally, it is possible to send the printout to other people in your organization. Select the people from the list to whom you want to send the printout. If you want to send a printout to people outside your organization, just enter your e-mail address in the "Add email" field and click the "+" button next to it, and then select the address from the list.

    4.11 Context menu in mobile application

    As in the case of a desktop application, the user can use the so-called "Context menu". For the window to appear, hold your finger on the object(s) on the map. Currently available tools are shown below.

    4.11.1 Add part

    WARNING: This tool applies to polygon geometry only.

    Hold your finger on the screen to open the context menu. If there is more than one object in the hold area, choose the object you are interested in and it will be highlighted on the map, then tap "Add part". Then measure the area you want to add to an existing object on the map. After the measurement is complete, tap the save button to save the changes.

    4.11.2 Stakeout

    To start stakeout, hold your finger on the object. A context menu will appear where you must select the "Stakeout" option.

    4.11.3 Change object height

    To change the height of an object, enable the context menu by long-pressing on the selected object. Then, select Change height option.

    In the displayed window, enter the desired height (in meters) of the object. Then apply the changes with the OK button.

    4.11.4 Creating line from points

    To create a line from points, press and hold on the selected object from the point layer. Then, choose Create line from the available options.

    After clicking, a layer selection window will appear.

    Next, to add a vertex to the line, hold on the object and choose Add to line.
    While creating a line from points, the user can manually add vertices (learn more about line creation in Lines) as well as from GPS antenna position (learn more in Measurement of objects).
    Added vertices can be removed by clicking on the minus icon.
    To finish creating the line and save the object, click on the floppy disk icon.

    4.12 Tracking

    The "Tracking" tool enables automated addition of points for linear and areal geometries. For point layers, new objects are added automatically.

    ATTENTION! The user has the ability to set the accuracy threshold. This means that if the accuracy in the information panel drops below the set threshold (default 10 cm), tracking will not start, and the user will be notified with a message. If the accuracy drops below the accuracy threshold while tracking is enabled, tracking will be interrupted.

    To start "Tracking", select a layer where the data will be added. After selecting the layer, click on "Tracking – start".

    Next, define the minimum distance for data collection.
    NOTE! The minimum distance does not mean that the data will be collected exactly at the specified interval. The precision of adding a point based on distance depends on the user's movement speed and the type of antenna used, particularly the antenna sampling frequency expressed in Hertz.

    NOTE! "Tracking" cannot be used if the "mean value" function is active, and vice versa – this is indicated by a message.

    Depending on the target layer, data will be collected in different ways:

  • for points - each collected point will be saved as a new object:

  • for lines - each collected point will be saved as a new vertex on the new object:

  • for areas (polygons) - each collected point will be saved as a new vertex on the new object:

  • During the operation of "Tracking", it is possible to manually add points.
    NOTE! The minimum distance only applies to points generated by the "Tracking" tool. Manually adding a point by the user does not change the way the distance is calculated from the last collected point.

    To finish "Tracking" and save the created geometry, you need to:
  • for points - press the "Tracking - stop" button,
  • for lines and areas (polygons) - press the disk icon, and then click "Save"

  • 4.13 Machines

    In the mobile version of RigelMap, the user has the ability to manage machines and their configurations based on the user's permissions and machine settings. To open the list of machines, log in to RigelMap from the mobile application, then from the device list, click on the button , corresponding to the type of machine whose list you want to open.

  • Asphalt Paver

  • Machine list visible from the mobile application.

  • Compactor

  • Machine list visible from the mobile application.

    4.13.1 Adding Machines

    To add a machine, go to the machine list and then click the plus icon.

    The user will then be redirected to the machine configuration panel. Depending on the type of machine, the configuration requires different parameters.
    More about configuration in:

    4.13.2 Editing Machines

    To edit a machine, go to the machine list and then click the pencil icon next to the machine you want to edit.

    The user will then be redirected to the machine configuration panel. After making changes, they must be confirmed by clicking the disk icon.

    4.13.3 Deleting Machines

    To delete a machine, go to the machine list and then click the trash icon next to the machine you want to delete.

    A confirmation window will then be displayed.

    After confirmation, the machine will be deleted.

    5. NVDB and Datafangst module

    5.1 Nasjonal vegdatabank (NVDB)

  • Activating the service
  • To activate the NVDB service, go to project edit and then select the "NVDB API SKRIV" tab.

    Then, in the configuration panel, select "Aktiver NVDB registrering". In the "Brukernavn" field, enter the username and in the "Passord" field, enter the password.
    To check the correctness of the entered data, click "Test"

  • Favorite objects and their properties
  • Before entering the project, the user can select favorite types of objects and their properties. To do this, expand the selection field ("Velg objekttype").

    After selecting an object, select its properties.

    All added objects and their properties will be listed in the table.

  • NVDB mode
  • To enter NVDB mode, click the "NVDB" button in the editor.

  • Filtering "NVDB" objects and managing their views

  • To filter and manage NVDB objects, enter NVDB mode.
    The NVDB PANEL will open in the top left corner.

    The panel includes visibility settings:
  • INTERNE VEGOBJEKTER - local objects,
  • V-KAPITTEL - contracts,
  • NVDB OBJEKTER - NVDB objects.
  • Additionally, each object has default filters. To use them, go to the list of objects by clicking "Velg". The list of objects is divided into two categories. All objects in the "Inne" category can be filtered by the phrase entered in the "Søk" field, while the "Ulubione" category contains objects added earlier in the user panel.
    After selecting an object, the list of available filters will be visible after expanding the list.

  • Digitalization
  • To proceed to digitalize an object, select
    Then select an object. Objects are divided into two categories: Favoritter (Favorites) and Andre objekttyper (Other object types)

    After selecting an object, a window with a form will appear.

    The description of the parameter can be found by clicking on
    Then, to select the geometry, click on .

    WARNING! The geometry in parentheses indicates the recommended geometry!
    After clicking on , a menu with related objects will appear.

    Then, to digitalize the object, select one of the following options:
  • Lagre - add the object to RigelMap,
  • NVDB - send the object to NVDB.
  • After placing the object on the map, reference lines to the road will appear.

    Solid lines indicate reference roads. Select a road by clicking on it and the style of the selected road will change from solid to dashed. To confirm the digitalization, click on the floppy disk icon.

  • Copying and editing NVDB objects
  • NVDB objects can be copied. To do this, click on the digitalized object with the left mouse button and select "Kopier".

    Two copy options will be available.

    After selecting one of the options, the object will be copied as described. To create a copy of an existing RigelMap object, follow the instructions below.
    Digitized objects can be edited. To do this, after clicking on the object, select the "Edytuj" option.

    5.2 Datafangst

  • Activating the service
  • To activate the Datafangst service, go to the project edit window.

    Then, in the configuration panel, select the "Datafangst" tab.
    In the "Brukernavn" field, enter your username and in the "Passord" field, enter your password. Then, click the "Hent kontrakter" button.
    If the login is successful, select a contract from the list of available contracts and go to the application by clicking "Otwórz projekt".

  • Datafangst Mode
  • To enter Datafangst mode, click the "NVDB" button in the editor.

  • Filtering "Datafangst" objects and managing their views
  • To filter and manage Datafangst objects, go to "Datafangst" mode.
    The management panel will open in the upper left corner.

    The panel includes visibility settings:
  • INTERNE VEGOBJEKTER - local objects,
  • V-KAPITTEL - contracts,
  • NVDB OBJEKTER - Datafangst objects.
  • In addition, each object has default filters. To use them, go to the object list by clicking "Velg". Objects can be filtered by phrase entered in the "Søk" field.
    After selecting an object, the list of available filters is visible after expanding the list.

  • Digitalization
  • To switch to digitalization of an object, select
    Then select the object.

    After selecting the object, a window with a form will appear.

    The description of the parameter can be found by clicking on
    Then, to select the geometry, click on .

    WARNING! The geometry in parentheses indicates the recommended geometry!

    Then, to switch to digitalization of an object, click
    Then select the object.
    To filter objects, you can use the search field (Sok) where you should enter a phrase.
    After selecting the object, a configuration window will appear.

    You must fill out the form (tips for each field will be displayed after clicking on )
    Then, to select the geometry, click on . Three geometries are available:
  • Mal inn (punkt) - point,
  • Mal inn (linje) - line.
  • Mal inn (areal) - polygon.

  • To switch to digitalization of an object, select one of the options:
  • Lagre - add object to RigelMap,
  • Datafangst - send object to Datafangst.
  • Then take the measurement.

  • Copying and editing objects
  • Datafangst objects can be copied. To do this, click on the digitized object with the left mouse button and select "Kopier".

    Two copy options will be available.

    After selecting one of the options, the object will be copied according to the description.
    To create a copy of an existing object from RigelMap, follow the instructions below.

    6. Machines

    The RigelMap application provides support for working with asphalt pavers, excavators, and compactors by properly configuring (calibrating) the machine in the RigelMap mobile application.

    6.1 Asphalt Paver

    Operating the asphalt paver allows collecting data from two GNSS receivers simultaneously. This enables the user to monitor real-time information about the poured asphalt surface, the angle of the paver slope, and the length of its arms. While working with the asphalt paver, data can be collected using appropriate offsets relative to the left/right receivers and the poured asphalt, which can be configured from within the mobile application.
    For proper use of the asphalt paver, two GNSS receivers (CHCNAV) are required. This results in displaying two information panels and two cursors with receiver positions on the map.
    Note! Working with the asphalt paver allows collecting data from two receivers only to a layer with polygon geometry type.
    For other geometry types, data from one receiver (left) will be considered.

    Technical information:

    • Data is collected from two receivers simultaneously at a frequency of 10Hz.
    • The receivers use the same NTRIP account.
    • During the measurement of laid asphalt, the collected area in m2 (2D) is visible in real-time.

    6.1.1 Configuration

    To configure the asphalt pavekr, press the Machines icon and add a new one or select/edit an existing one from the list.
    The machine list has a filtering function based on the department to which the machine is assigned.
    To do this, click the icon and select the department/departments.
    The filter is also active in the device selection window. With an active filter, an icon next to the Machines icon will display the filter icon.

    In the configuration view, the user can adjust the following parameters:

    • machine name (required),
    • machine description,
    • department (from the selection list),
    • A1, A2 - antenna height,
    • B1, B2 - longitudinal offset,
    • C1, C2 - lateral (side) offset.
    Warning! The antenna height should be configured to point to the top of the poured asphalt.
    The configuration form clearly indicates which receiver the configuration applies to (1 - left side, 2 - right side).
    The illustrations show the asphalt paver with highlighted parameters and plus/minus signs, so that the user can configure the machine properly. Configuration should be done after properly mounting the receivers on the asphalt paver, paying particular attention to the graphics in the form.
    The antenna height should be measured from the bottom of the receiver to the top of the poured asphalt (A1/A2).
    The longitudinal (B1/B2) and lateral (C1/C2) offsets should be measured from the vertical in which the receiver is located, at the height of the poured asphalt to the location where the asphalt will be poured.
    After entering all the information, the configuration should be saved by clicking on the floppy disk icon.
    Warning! If the parameters A, B, C are not filled in, the value 0 will be assigned to the configuration parameters upon saving.

    6.1.2 Connection

    Connection with two GNSS antennas is possible after selecting one of the available asphalt paver configurations. It is also essential to assign antennas and correction server configurations for both left and right antennas. This can be done by clicking on the left or right card visible below.
    More about connecting to receivers in Start RigelMap and prepare correction receipts.

    Filling in all parameters enables connecting to the antenna by clicking on the Enable button. Changes in connection status will be indicated by messages available at the bottom of the screen:

    6.1.3 Fieldwork

    When using the asphalt paver, two information panels are displayed on the map (for the left receiver and for the right receiver). Additionally, two position cursors and information such as:

    • distance between receivers,
    • tilt angle between receivers,
    • m2 of collected surface (when working with a polygon layer)

    For the proper operation of the asphalt paver, the user should use the polygon layer and utilize the tracking tool. The tracking tool will stop functioning if, for example, no positions are received for the right antenna, or the receivers quality drops below the accuracy threshold configured by the user (more about tracking in Tracking).

    6.2 Compactor

    Operating a compactor allows for data collection using a single GNSS receiver. While working with the compactor, RigelMap monitors the traveled route in real time and the number of passes on a given section. A "compactor" layer [CMP] is used to collect data, with a set number of passes that the user specifies when creating the layer (editing the layer style: [CMP] is not allowed). The set number of passes helps to monitor in real time the remaining passes to be completed.
    During operation, all information is displayed in the location panel (more about the location panel in Prepare the instrument for measurement).
    NOTICE! The antenna height is calculated during configuration (performed via the mobile application), and changing the antenna height during operation is not possible.

    6.2.1 Configuration

    To configure the compactor, click on the Machines icon and add a new machine or select/edit an existing machine from the list (more in Configuration).

    The user will then be redirected to the configuration view.

    The configuration process requires calibration of the following parameters:

    • A - Right Point (Receiver position during right point calibration)
    • B - Left Point (Receiver position during left point calibration)
    • C - Drum Diameter (Drum diameter value in centimeters)
    • D - Antenna Base Point (Receiver position during operation with the antenna)
    Parameters A, B, and D require a geodetic point in the WGS84 system, which can be done manually by entering the appropriate coordinates and height or using a geodetic receiver (corrections required).

    • Manual Calibration

    • To manually calibrate the machine, click on field A, B, or D.
      A point calibration window will appear where you need to enter the appropriate coordinates. Coordinates can be entered in one of two formats: WGS84 and DMS. Change the format by clicking the button:

      After entering the coordinates, enter the height (in cm) and save by clicking Save. If all information is entered correctly, the status of the calibrated point will change.

    • Automatic Calibration (connected receiver with NTRIP corrections required)

    • To automatically calibrate the machine using the receiver, go to the calibration window as in manual calibration and click on the icon:

      Automatic calibration will then occur, collecting 5 points.

      During automatic calibration, remember that:
      • the receiver must be connected
      • the receiver must have corrections
      Then, to save the point position, click the Save button.
    NOTICE! The antenna height is automatically set to 0.00 m during calibration, as the receiver stands on the compactor with its bottom part. After selecting the machine (compactor), the antenna height of the receiver takes the value from the calibration (after correctly saving the machine and selecting it).

    6.2.2 Connection

    To start working with the compactor, you must:

    NOTICE! Selecting the receiver automatically connects to it.
    Completing all parameters allows connection to the antenna by clicking the Turn on button.
    Connection status changes will be signaled by messages at the bottom of the screen.

    6.2.3 Field Work

    When using the compactor, a single location panel and a receiver position cursor are displayed on the map, and the collected data is added to a [CMP] type layer. Therefore, before starting work, make sure such a layer is already created. The compactor [CMP] layer can be added to the project via both the desktop and mobile applications.

    • Desktop version
    • Click on the plus icon, then select Compactor from the available options in "Add layer".

      A layer configuration window will appear where you need to fill in the required fields and confirm by clicking the "Add layer" button.
      The newly created layer will be in the group selected by the user and marked with the abbreviation [CMP].

    • Mobile version
    • In the mobile application, go to the layer tree and click on the layer management icon. Then select the Add layer option and the Compactor type.

      A layer configuration window will appear where you need to fill in the required fields and confirm by clicking the "Add layer" button.
      The newly created layer will be in the group selected by the user and marked with the abbreviation [CMP].

    NOTICE! If the user selects the compactor for work and there is no such layer in the project, they will be prompted to create it and specify the required number of passes.

    The [CMP] layer has a unique attribute, the number of passes. This allows the user to monitor and control the number of passes. This parameter is synchronized with the panel informing about the compaction level.
    The set number of passes will be adjusted to the legend and then automatically select the appropriate shade and compaction percentage when working with the compactor.

    After configuring the machine and creating the layer, you can start working. To do this, click on the compactor icon (tracking). A window will appear where you need to enter the distance (in meters) for vertex creation frequency.

    Then select the driving direction by pressing the button. If the compactor moves forward with the compactor in front, the button should be GREEN.

    If the compactor moves backward (compactor is behind the direction of travel), click the button so that its color is RED.

    To end work, click the
    NOTICE! The tracking tool interrupts operation if the receiver's position quality falls below the configured settings (more in Tracking).

    6.3 Excavator

    Detailed documentation regarding the configuration and operation of the excavator can be found in the following links:

    6.4 Machine Visibility in the Project

    In RigelMap, users can manage machines and view their operations in real-time.

    6.4.1 Managing Machine Visibility

    Machine management in the project allows for assigning/detaching machines, managing visibility, and monitoring work progress.
    To assign or detach a machine, go to the Machines tab in the side panel.

    Then find the machine that needs to be assigned/detached and click the toggle.

    The toggle status indicates the assignment status of the machine to the project.

      Green toggle () means that the machine is assigned to the project.
      Gray toggle () indicates that the machine is not assigned to this project.

    For excavators, after assignment, it is also possible to set the project as default for this excavator. This means that in the DigPilot System, this project will be automatically launched for this excavator.
    Note! To assign/detach a machine, remember the user's permissions (see machine management permissions table).
    The assigned machine will be visible in the Machines folder (more in Route and Measurement View of the Machine).

    6.4.2 Route and Measurement Monitoring

    Each machine assigned to the project is visible in the Machines folder in the layer tree. Machine operations and views work the same way as for layers. To enable the visibility of the machine in the project, check the box next to the machine.

    When the machine is visible, you can enable the machine's route view and its measurements by checking the appropriate box.
    Note! To filter data by date, click on as shown below.

    6.4.3 Machine activity status

    Visible machines in the project are represented on the map with an icon corresponding to the machine type. There are three types of machines in RigelMap:

    • Excavator
    • Asphalt paver
    • Compactor
    To make the machine visible as active, its visibility must be enabled in the project and the machine must be activated from the RigelMap mobile app or DigPilot. Data is saved in the project every 60 seconds, allowing almost real-time tracking of machines in the project. If the machine is inactive for more than 5 minutes, its status on the map changes to inactive.
    • Active machines - are displayed on the map as a machine icon in its default color, along with a machine name label for identification.
    • Inactive machines - are displayed on the map as a machine icon in gray, along with a machine name label and information about the last activity time.

    6.5 Reports

    Machine reports allow generating PDF files with all the data collected by the machines.

    6.5.1 Compactor Report

    The compactor report allows generating a PDF file with the data contained in [CMP] layers. To generate such a report, zoom to the extent of the layer for which the report is to be generated, then click the printer icon in the top menu: .
    After clicking, the print configuration panel will open where you need to select the compaction report (more about reports in Map Printing).
    The generated report is automatically downloaded to the device if the user is using the RigelMap mobile application.
    In the case of RigelMap Desktop, a window with the generated report opens, with the option to download the file to the disk

    The report consists of two main parts: a terrain map and a pie chart that shows the percentage compaction values.
    Terrain Map

    • Colors on the map represent different levels of terrain compaction:
      • Red (1): 16.74%
      • Orange (2): 7.75%
      • Orange-yellow (3): 8.98%
      • Yellow (4): 9.41%
      • Light yellow (5): 8.1%
      • Light green (6): 9.57%
      • Green (7): 39.45%
      • No color (8): 0%
    Pie Chart
    • Percentage distribution of compaction:
      • 16.74% of the area has compaction level 1 (red)
      • 7.75% of the area has compaction level 2 (orange)
      • 8.98% of the area has compaction level 3 (orange-yellow)
      • 9.41% of the area has compaction level 4 (yellow)
      • 8.1% of the area has compaction level 5 (light yellow)
      • 9.57% of the area has compaction level 6 (light green)
      • 39.45% of the area has compaction level 7 (green)
      • 0% of the area has compaction level 8 (no color)
    Other Information
    • Scale and coordinates: The map is marked with a coordinate grid, allowing precise location determination.
    • Description and metadata: In the bottom right corner, there are metadata about the map, such as title, creation date (2024-07-04), scale (1:1), and other technical details.

    6.6 Context Menu

    The context menu contains tools and options available for machines and their data.

    • For the layer
    • To open the context menu, right-click on the machine. The available tools will then be displayed:

      • Open attribute table
      • To open the attribute table, select the “Open attribute table” option from the context menu. The attribute table contains all measurements made by the machine. The attribute table provides access to filtering and viewing the measurements and their information. More about the attribute table in Object Identification.

      • Export layer to ...
      • To export machine data, select “Export layer to …” and then configure the export. More about exporting in Data Export.

    • For object/objects
    • To open the context menu, right-click on the object. The available tools will then be displayed:

      • Copy to layer ...
      • To copy object/objects, select them by:

        - right-clicking on the object

        - entering the edit mode and using the selection tool to choose objects
        Then, from the available options, select “Copy to layer..” and choose the target layer.